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Old soldier never dies!!!!!!!

Wed, 17 Jul 2013 Source: Hardi, Ibrahim

The pride of every soldier is that, he fought till the end. So also fight till the end. You are a soldier, the main battle is to win people to your beloved party,the ndc.There is no retirement in winning support for your president,John Mahama. There is no running away from war, NO RETREAT, NO SURRENDER.

Be strong always, never be discouraged at the behaviors of the petitioners in the supreme court. If you are ndc member, be aware that you are behind enemy lines. If you don't fight it's either you get killed or captured by people who should have known better. Lets rescue all the hostages and take care of the wounded soldiers, lets encourage each other. We should be willing to do anything to lead the the blind to the light. We should be willing to carry our wounded soldiers and take them to safe place.

You cannot be embarrassed enough to stop preaching the gospel. Always be aware that, you might be the last opportunity for one to receive the gospel, yet you felt so dignified or ashamed to preach the gospel. Preach it,don't be afraid. How many people come in our circles but we never considered to share the gospel with them? Lets be encouraged, be motivated to fight till the end because,the petitioners knew very well,they are fighting a lose battle. We should be able to speak like Jerry Rawlings when he said, "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith. Let this be your victory, that you going to be winning support till the end of the court case.

I will fight till the court comes to an end, I will not tire or retire, I will not be exhausted, I will never be discouraged enough to stop preaching the through cause. Let this be your daily confession.

Ibrahim Hardi 0208235615.

Columnist: Hardi, Ibrahim