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There's a few minutes of silence.
'I no rike Jews either!' the copilot suddenly announces.
'Oh yeah, why not?' asks the captain.
'Jews sink Titanic.'
'What? That's insane! Jews didn't sink the Titanic!' ex ...
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You should be specific on what you want to say. It looks like you beating about the bush or more so shooting yourself in the foot when the whole world knows that Kuffuor is not only a thief but an aggressive one.
Do you no ...
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"Not mention arm robbery."
WHO IS ROBBING ARMS IN GHANA, BOROFO KANKAN KOLA? It's ARMED ROBBERY. ARMED means you have weapons like guns, clubs, Machetes etc. ARM means your hand. means
"Do you not know that Akronfuor ...
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I have read few of Adofo's articles. He has big problem with his judgement. He is very biased, and does not think and write like an intellectual that does not inject his personal stuff and biases into issues, period, point, b ...
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The prism through which Adofo sees the world is so myopic. Obviously, Adofo can't see beyond his nose. I wonder if he he can tell the colour of the very shirt that he is wearing at the moment.
Rockson, keep on telling the truth and expose those corrupt officials. I always read your articles and big fun of yours always waiting for your master piece. I'm neither NDC or NPP but have keen interest of Dr Paa Kwasi Nduom ...
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stupid man
This is nonsense from a Koseani
This aponkye calling himself Rockson should learn to understand that Ghanaian society is full of love for all. How can a twerp like this reason in society when he probably never had any love as a child? His wayward father had ...
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Rockson, stop attacking and accusing the Gov't and the elected Presidents without
any proof. Your criteria of selecting your heroes is biased, superficial and partisan. The heroes always get consensus around them. The hero ...
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Can't understand why you all fretting, the man picked his heroes and instead of you all to be happy to have seen his true colors, you all wasting precious breath blasting him.
For me my heroes are Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini ...
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Seriously, God is a myth, and he/she could not have possibly created humans(or the gene) such as Adofo Rockson. I hate and abhor Ghanaian politicians in total. NDC, NPP, CPP, PPP...those who become disgruntled only portray th ...
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