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A Letter for Posterity Part 5

Tue, 5 Nov 2013 Source: Twumasi, Patrick

*A Letter for Posterity Part 5: Because Tomorrow Belong to Us*

In every year or decade there are the early part and late. For instance the

decade, 2000 to 2010, has the early part from 2000 to 2005 and the late

also set from 2006 to 2010. Same applies to human generations. There are

the old or older and young or younger generations respectively. In Ghana,

we have Prof. Kofi Anyidoho, George Sydney Abugri and Manasseh Azure Awuni.

So there is Prof. Azumah Nelson, Joshua Clottey and Joseph Abgeko. There is

also Abedi Ayew, Dede Ayew and Agyemang Badu.

The older generation is well ahead of the younger in years, experience and

presumably wisdom. The younger generation literally stands behind the older

generation to observe the way they take their steps and where they place

them. The younger generation watches the older from a distance. If the

older generation has been going the wrong way, the young can change course

and do things in a different way, through learning from the mistakes of

their fathers.

The choices of the older generation which are inimical to development of

human society will be eschewed, discarded and thrown away. Is that what we

are witnessing in Ghana? Has the Ghanaian youth abandoned the old ways of

their fathers? Or like the proverbial duck who walk in a straight line with

their young ones following, and in the process when the mother falls into a

pit they also fall in one after the other?

It is time to take stock of our fathers and critically review each, whether

indeed they are wealth continuing or stock and stones that should be given

the marching orders. As youth we are the future of Ghana. We are fortunate

to have acquired modern education. In our time social media and Information

and Communications Technology (ICT) has made the world a global village.

With this respite we should be inspired to do away with tendencies that

thwart national development.

Parents in the southern Ghana use to tell tales about the northern part of

the country, and same was done up north. Today Tertiary education has

broken the shields and myth around these tales and exposed the lies hidden

in there. Should the Ghanaian youth proceed on this tangent as our parents

did? Now, due to mobility of labour north, south, east, west and center has

received citizens from all parts of the country who are working for the

better of such communities. Therefore, tribalism and ethnic sentiments

should be swept out from our compound. The youth must keep their foot off

the street named tribe which is backward, weird and demeaning to our

acquired education. Listen carefully to yourself or any youth who pride his

or her self in ethnic tendencies and it will come clear to you how raw,

unpolished, uncivil and uncivilized the fellow sounds. If the Ghanaian

youth can speak of all the social media sites and modern conveniences, then

we should deal with this wasteful demeaning and blind sentiments.

In our quest to deal with sanitation, the youth must lead not the other way

round. Talking and doing nothing is very dangerous. Filth is up to our

necks, the rate at which open spaces are turned into refuse dump batters

human comprehension. The markets where food stuffs are stored and sold are

so filthy with constant swam of flies hovering, thereby infecting these

food stuffs. The result, your prediction will be right, diseases transfer

to the citizenry. This is perpetuated by the youth. We should call

attention and time on this disgraceful scenario. The youth are the future;

our actions should be geared towards reforming and protecting the

environment for our wellbeing. In every village and hamlet youths should

organise themselves to deal with this mountain problem which threatens our

health. We are sitting on a time bomb, for the reason that, in the

21stcentury a country which proud herself as the gateway to Africa

cannot be

swimming in filth. This would affect the responds to invitation for

investors to invest in Ghana. Then, there is the probability of high rate

in unemployment.

In recent times armed robbery suspects arrested in the country has the

youth in the majority. This is unfortunate. Will it be acceptable to have

the future of Ghana held up in the gaol? But this is the hard situation we

are faced with. This goes to inform the fact that moral standards have

dropped in our society. It will also be right to write that, the Ghanaian

society is at a pathological state, where social roles cast for social

actors are not being played. Parents and guardians are not playing their

supervisory role as expected. Teachers can as well be dragged into the

picture. They hold in trust the upbringing and the shaping of the future of

the youth of every country. Can it also be argued that, the youth are not

allowing the older generation to impart to them wisdom? The get-rich-quick

rhythm which has engulfed the youth like wild fire is indeed burning us

away. This has thrown a lot of talent of the nation into our prisons. Are

we aware that, tomorrows belong to us? The youth should have the hands well

trained to be able to receive the baton of life from our current

leadership. Imagine a corrupt youth! Good God, Ghana is finished!

Another area the Ghanaian and other youths elsewhere should take note of is

the recent spate of social strives which the youth are seen taking center

stage. In such instances, lots of government properties are destroyed. The

youth should be preservers of the social peace, cohesion and protector of

the property of the society. With the exuberance, the youth should look up

to the few good and exemplified lives of the older generation and pick cues

to enable us channel our energies into beneficiary ventures. The Ghanaian

society look up to us the youth to work hard to cause the required change

this country badly need.

There is no need to destroy in a moment of anger and attempt to express

displeasure, what has been built with many years, using the scarce

resources of your country. The appropriate channels might delay but they

must be approached and utilised at all material moments. Creating your own

laws and working with will only bring about disorder which neither help

issues nor bring about the required change you expected. Tomorrow’s leader

must be extra cautious. That is you.

Discipline brings so much, while indiscipline takes same away. A generation

that is being prepared to take over the leadership of tomorrow needs a lot

of submissiveness. An arrogant heart and mind, as well as a busy richness

chasing individual will not acquire wisdom. A humble heart and mind learns

best. The Ghanaian youth can achieve so much only if they are ready to take

their time to learn the basic rudiments of life. I am reiterating the call

on the Ghanaian youth to allow to be trained in every field they find

themselves, for the reason that, when tomorrow comes, we would be expected

to deliver as required of our education and training. We cannot afford to

fail tomorrow when she comes. The demands of today should inform the youth

challenges tomorrow would bring. The current generation of leaderships is

seriously challenged in their quest to work to attain some level of comfort

for the general citizenry. This might be due to how they had misconstrued

the future requirements of them. Hence, we are virtually grappling with

fundamental situations. The youth must lead the way to snap the sense of

discipline from the clutches of indiscipline. There must be a change and

the youth should be the ones to bring it about. The discipline deficiencies

of the youth must be checked now.

Corruption remains one of the issues Ghana is faced with. It has become a

cliché that corruption began in the days of Adam. Meanwhile, some youths

are virtually swimming in it. Many are earning the basic rudiments of

corruption. How would the youth make it tomorrow with a skill in

corruption? Everywhere in the country there is one missing funds or

embezzlement of dedicated resources to execute social amenities. The

country is faced with a lot of facility deficits in most rural communities,

yet nobody seems concerned. Let’s spare the country this disgraceful act,

while the youth wane themselves off corrupt practices. Many of Ghanaian

youths are school drop outs. Those who are fortunate enough to have

completed the needed education have found politics as an avenue of

enriching themselves. It is good to have tomorrow’s leaders learn from the

feet of the experienced. But let’s look around us whether that is happening

of the current youths in leadership? Leadership, is it position or

disposition? Whatever is happening at Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital has the

youth as the middle staff of the facility.

In spite of the negatives there is hope for the Ghanaian youth tomorrow. We

can still learn from our mistakes and pick up the pieces from here.

Socrates stated that, “Nature has given us two ears, two eyes and one

tongue to the end that we should hear and see more than we speak” It is

time for the youth to listen, look carefully and speak less, thus

inculcating the attitude of learning.

Despite our pitfalls the youth still has the chance to reform and

re-strategize how to reclaim the lost years of looking down upon each

other. The days of merchandising disrespect among ourselves which has

resulted in disunity without any dividend must be put behind us. Whether

from up north or down south Ghana remains one, so are we the youth. The

Ghanaian youth should stand tall above all egocentrism to activate the true

freedom we were assured from the beginning by our forefathers. Posterity

will not forgive the youth of today who would be leaders tomorrow if we

should fail.

Let us give up on corruption, bribery, indiscipline and insanitary

practices, because tomorrow belongs to us.

*Patrick Twumasi*

*(0209045931) >*

Columnist: Twumasi, Patrick