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For Ghana

Thu, 12 Jun 2014 Source: Yeboah–Kasoa, E. A.

It is sad that this piece have to written in the first place, this because it is obvious that these highly reasoned decision taken by the echelons in the government, the sports ministry in particular is not going to yield any better results for this country- in fact, it is a waste of the tax paid by the average Ghanaian. It is good that we have former footballers as ambassadors, but for the “celebs” from the music and movie industries, that is where the problem lies. Don’t get me wrong, the footballers have played the game before so for that only they deserve to be in Brasil, also they maybe can give better support to the team and even the individual players than those from the creative industry.

It is astonishing to see how Ghana as a nation (not the football team) is preparing for the 2014 FIFA world cup in Brasil which kicks off in a few days. This third country has appointed certain music makers and movie makers as ambassadors who will represent Ghana at the world cup. The issue is not that they shouldn’t go to Brasil and also Ghana shouldn’t appoint ambassadors. These ambassadors, in the frame of “celebrities” are being sent to Brasil by this country. From what comes to bear, Ghana is one country that loves to rub shoulders with its co-equals (with other independent countries also competing in the world cup) and also in certain areas where she has competitive advantage in example football talents and cocoa.

The common argument for the couriering of these ambassadors to Brasil is that they are going there to showcase Ghana, in other words to market Ghana and also support the black stars massively. Well it is not a bad thing as mentioned earlier, the country spending some money to do this is not a bad idea, but what benefit does Ghana stand to gain? Advertisement of the country! And support for the black stars? That is the problem. I will really appreciate it if the opposition and civil society continue to speak for the average and ordinary Ghanaian on this matter, and also the people whose money would be used for the venture must speak out on it- Obviously those benefitting will be quiet and even try to shut those speaking against this action by the government up. The argument of those carrying out this action is others are doing it. Yes others are doing it. Have we looked at the others? Mention of the USA, Portugal, Germany, Brasil etc. from what I know, of all the countries going for the world cup we are the only one with a falling cedi and flying cost of leaving. Even those other three group members America and Germany are out of our league in everything and Portugal too after its economic problems is way better than us- we are not their co equal.

The core of this matter is very difficult to comprehend but confidently from the radio commentaries, it is clear that Germany, Portugal, USA are not paying to take their celebrities who are “real celebrities” to the world cup. Of course, these three countries can afford it in excess to do so but we can only afford it in recess which is the problem. Arguably Ghana at the moment has only one celebrity who is also not part of those going to Brasil.

So apart from advertising or showcasing Ghana these “celebs” will do nothing else they cannot support the team more than any of the supporters’ group. When was the last time any of them supported any of our junior national football teams or women national team even. It is said in Ghana that “if Mr. Nothing says he will give you something listen to his name” guess those who are spending the money of Ghanaians on these “celebs” did not listen to their names. Have they marketed themselves? Of course No! How many of them have been heard of outside Ghana and maybe Nigeria. These People cannot advertise themselves internationally, how more Ghana. We always hear that Ghanaian “celebrities” lack branding skills and their counterparts from just Nigeria here are far ahead of them when it comes to branding and the promotion of their songs and movies. Is it not in this same country that we heard that foreign celebrities earn more anytime they come here to perform than our own? And how many people even know them outside Ghana. Guess a few.

In the year 2006, Ghana did not have any “celebrities” by then that is why we did not send anyone to Germany. So Ghana was not advertised? In 2006, as the first time Ghana went to the world cup, the name of the country was spread all over the world like wild fire due to the heroics displayed by this country in West Africa especially the beating of USA. From news, Ghana’s own chocolate was on a high demand on the world market. It was an astonishing experience, the lost pride of the nationals seemed to restored, the people seemed to have forgotten about their economic hardships and all around there seemed that the before independent hope that Ghana was the black star of Africa had had a contemporary significance and also with a united front once again-all without any “celebs”.

Well in 2010, no “celebs” were taken to South Africa by this country. Of course, Baby jets’ dance, his goals, K.P’s inclusion and the gargantuan performance of the team seemed to have marketed the nation better. The whole world saw Ghana and till the time Ghana was eliminated, we were the pride of Africa, the hope of Africa and the gate way to Africa and all of Africa was rooting for us too. Here too, where were the “celebrities”?

Well if in 2014 the government decides to send these “celebs” to Brasil, again that it is not out of place and order, but the question still remains, what do Ghana stands to gain? By now we know that Ghana will gain nothing. In the two previous world cups, we did better without the nation paying to send them (celebs) there, and this one too we can do best without them. We have a lot of socio-economic issues to look at. Indeed it might be true that this money cannot build all the schools, roads, hospital etc. that we need. But it is also true that it can ease the burden of somebody who needs help from this country.

However, should any of the ‘‘celebrities” decide to go to the world cup, they have to go by themselves, and because they are rich due of the work they do, then they should even pay for those who cheer them and attend their shows as a token of gratitude to their fans. Can you imagine this banner headline “CELEBS IN GHANA SPONSORS TWENTY FANS TO WORLD CUP IN BRASIL” this will even help boost their image as givers instead of the usual image of takers (as their fans pay to see them).

Furthermore, the whole issue can be looked at from this position too. After the “celebs” make waves and accrue great sums of money, do they give back to society? or what social and economic programs have they put in place to help Ghanaians? Well somebody will say that charity programs- you are right but we all know where the money comes from, what it is use for, and where the rest ends. And we know too for a fact that this paid trip to Brasil by the state is rather a boost for the image of the “celebs’ rather than that of Ghana. Can you imagine in their Curriculum Vitae; achievement: Ghana’s Ambassador to Brasil 20014 world cup.

The common words around these days are “I am getting richer; God dey bless me” it is a good thing so they should let their fans in particular and Ghanaians in general benefit from that and should do the honorable thing of not benefitting from the contributions of the child carrying the pure water in the middle of the Kasoa high way. They should turn down this offer from the government and even go ahead to sponsor some of their fans, so we will know that our “celebs” are real role models we can practically learn positively from.

Ghana is in crisis now and for once they shouldn’t accept the smoke screen offer from the politicians of this dear nation we love.


Columnist: Yeboah–Kasoa, E. A.