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Garbage! Afraid to mention names. How do you sum up the facts of this trash? You better stuff your feelings inside your belly; your priorities are already screwed up. Stop being a drama punk. You just want to be heard; 'show- ...
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James, I am disappointed by your comments, which, I am afraid, are hollow.
I thought of commenting on the article but it'd take me too long to comment on all the points of differences with SAS, as, indeed, there are thing ...
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If we are simply waiting for them to lead us to the promised land, our fate will be like the characters in Samuel Beckett's “Waiting for Godot". In this existential play, the characters sit around waiting in anticipation of ...
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How can he talk about patriotism whilst peddling falsehoods? James is right.Clear words are the tools of trade of a good....i mean a good lawyer.
J.D. Samuel Adjei Sarfo's essay tries to apportion "blame" and responsibility for curing Ghana's ails equally on each solitary Ghanaian, among them those we count as "leaders."
Leadership does matter!
In particular, we ...
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Something has to give, if what we going through as a nation is ' unprecedented' then the ' cure' must be unprecedented! How are we going to learn the right things if crimes against the state is not punished? Consistent Demo ...
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People who live in comfort also know the truth. This is why nothing changes.