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you are not far from right
Great article Mr Inusah. The fact is that reading has declined around the world and we have the computer age to thank for. Now everybody is behind the computer playing games.
It is now fashionable to be "whatsupping" or "T ...
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Sarpong, reading is a joy and a tremendously beneficial exercise just as the young man, Inusah pointed out in his first foray on Ghanaweb....
Like you, I devoured wonderful books....mainly African literature...... while in ...
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Thank you for this wonderful write-up.
But why don't Ghanaian students read beyond their notes?
(1)...Our learning and political environment
The last few days, POTAG and UTAG members were on strike to press home the ...
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Inusah, your article though pertinent, should not address students only but to the general Ghanaian populace - politicians don't read beyond their reports, public managers don't read, graduates don't read anymore after their ...
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Science and Technology should not be neglected to the background.I think Ghanaweb can do us a great favour if it will add SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY for us to read.Thank you.
Thought provoking piece l cannot more agree wthyou kudos
Dear Brother Inusah,
Another intriguing piece.
Certainly you and I agree on one thing, reading!
I have belored this question from time to time, particularly as it relates to critical reading.
Let me assure you th ...
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So true! Ghana must not be left in the hands of ignorant exponents.
Quarts, i enjoy reading your handouts too. They're extremely refreshing. Thanks again.
Thank you very much boss!
Dear Brother,
You are the boss...Hahahahahaha.
You have given us something valuable to think about.
Indeed those of us who are passionate about education reform, STEM, and critical reading are grateful to you for br ...
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First of all I must give thumbs up to Inusah for this captivating piece, very abstract and aptly define what Nkrumah was and stood for in his entire life to unite Africa and rekindled the spirit of the Black race in Africa an ...
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iam so much impressed
This is what my granddady told my mother when she was young and she passed it on to me.I did not attend any secondary school because of financial problems but I really adore reading and writing just like my grandpa said.You b ...
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Am really inspired now to read more .thank you.
nice one
wow....i have been reading but this article has thrown me a challenge to read more! thanks
I found it beneficial reading this piece. I pray we all heed to the advice of extensive reading. Good work.
Great piece, bro. You see how many comments your excellent piece has garnered. I bet some could not go beyond the first paragraph. If you had written an insulting piece, say about NDC/NPP, there would be more useless comment ...
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I' challenged
This is very profound!
I like reading and I will encourage every youth or student to do the same - knowledge is power.
Most of our stidents think the internet and computers are replacement for reading. They use them rather for things that are not related to reading I think they should rather be tasked to read on the internet, because they pat ...
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Very good article.
Some of us read extensively.
You will be delighted to meet us someday.
Good piece. One major challenge facing readers toady is that most libraries have collapsed and is very difficult getting good books these days.
great article, am realised i knew next to noting when i stepped into my first lecture in the UK for a masters program. why because i had not read bayond what i was taught during my undergraduate studies in ghana so in underta ...
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When you have read all the best books in the world without any conviction is as useless as not reading at all.I had wanted to be a scientist or an enginner because the law of nature inspires me a lot.In Ghana today barely a w ...
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World bank triggers bankruptcy any time you seek help
This is the wake- up call that we all need. Ghanaian students MUST read. many books out there on our university Labrariess to read or how many students get access to e-books?i found it fascinating that non of the rich people who has been trained by taxpayers money invest in libraries is ...
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One of the greatest reasons why people, generally, (not only Ghanaians) do not read widely is that they read too slowly. When I was in school in Ghana in the 70s, speed reading was never taught. I don't know if they teach tha ...
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Hey Mohammed!
This is an incredible piece. It has achieved its purpose. I'm really motivated by this work. Thanks for the share. God bless.
great job @ writer
YOUR QUOTE: “The truth is that the Ghanaian student now does not read! The Ghanaian student does not cherish books, the nutrients of a fertile brain. The Ghanaian student does not read beyond his notes. Creativity is stifle ...
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Wonderful,a great masterpiece.A must read for all