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Statement from Alert Ghana: Impeach John Mahama Now!

Tue, 25 Nov 2014 Source: Dabbousi, Fadi

By: Fadi Dabbousi

Lies, Smuggling, Deception & Ineptitude

There is the need to finally cry the ultimate cry. In fact, too many agitations have not afforded anyone a shred of comfort to justify our continuous silence, hence this statement.


All those parliamentarians who have been coerced to sing the Mahama song or those who, willingly, do it for a favour or two must bury their heads in shame. Some do, like the proverbial Ostrich, but faking it just reveals their nakedness.

Look, you people (parliamentarians) have been a total embarrassment and disgrace to the constituents who voted for you. A bunch of idiotic disappointments the likes of whom the August parliament of Ghana has never had. You are accomplices in the shame of the current regime, one way or the other; after all is it not said that thieves and their accomplices are partners in crime?

What the hell is going on? We have allowed a bunch of retarded bourgeoisies to mismanage our affairs. If it is not the acute electricity shortage, it is a surge in taxation; if it is not a sharp hike in prices, it is the illegal incarceration of an innocent person or journalist; if it is not collusion to rob the national coffers, it is the reposting of sacked corrupt officials. My goodness, what are we doing to ourselves?

It is no longer about NDC, NPP, PPP, CPP or others; it is about Ghana, your motherland and mine.

Cocaine here, cocaine there, cocaine cocaine everywhere!!!

Ruby Gyemfi, aka Ruby Ametefe, aka Ruby Mahama and so goes the list of pseudonyms to one favoured gal; the nocturnal comfort of rich thieves in government and society. Rounds have it that she spreads cash and legs to get away with her nefarious activities. Recently, the whole world watched as the mystery of an embarrassing cocaine bust at Heathrow airport unfolded. The various Authorities in Ghana lied to the nation about this incident in a shambolic and unprofessional cover up but when the revelations from abroad trickled in, the stories took a twist to complicate matters more. Everything that the government denied in this situation proved otherwise and to add insult to injury, the Ghanaian High Commissioner in London, it is said, visited this criminal. Have innocent Ghanaians rotting in foreign jails ever been visited by the respective Ghanaian embassies there? No!

A botched attempt to smuggle £750,000 (pounds sterling) or over one million Dollars worth of cocaine into England in Plantain peels was foiled at Heathrow, from Ghana, in September, 2012. Some cocaine busted in Ghana turned to caustic soda and the case seems to be a foolish one still being tossed about in the local courts of law. YOUR mercies, O GOD!!!

For dragging our hard earned reputation into the mud in such a dehumanising and painful manner, shame on you, John Mahama!

Much had been said about Ibrahim Mahama’s disgraceful embezzlement of the Merchant Bank money, thence labelled the Merchant Bank Saga that transmogrified into the Fortiz Scandal; then more was said about his control over the country’s projects and that if anyone wanted a piece of the pie they would have to consult him; in a gangster-like set up, this unruly person seems to have hijacked the Presidency, as is alleged. A lot more was said about his illicit relationships and the moneys that are squandered for the love of indulgence; all at the tax-payer’s expense or on account of the nation’s loans.

There is nothing to show for the over 25 billion dollar loans that were procured over a period of six years, five times the amount that was borrowed by the Kufuor regime over eight years, to hypothetically, make our lives better. The roads remain a death trap; children continue to remain at home as their families wallow in abject poverty without a sign of hope. Even the NDC faithfuls are complaining; even their serial callers are crying foul and cursing the time that they spent shouting “tso boi hey” prompting the recruitment of replacements who are yet to receive the disappointment that awaits them from their superiors. The school feeding program remains a sham; the NHIA remains clinically dead; Doctors are being relieved off their jobs for the lack of money and these come with official letters of termination, especially those on contract whose knowledge and experience are needed most.

Much more is the pity! We look for something positive to say but can’t find a credible decision taken that is worth the praise and, even if there were, the overwhelming bleakness of the status quo makes it morally unacceptable to praise unimportant issues that do not put bread on the table or pay the rent.

What nonsense is this? Can’t Ghanaians say a word and correct the anomaly as enshrined in the sacrosanct constitution of the land? And the government continues to scream an obnoxious mantra at Ghanaians, “Y3NTI OBIAAAA” meaning “we will listen to nobody".


Statement from Alert Ghana

Columnist: Dabbousi, Fadi