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You've got it all wrong, Mercy Blodo or whatever big blofo name you're parading under. The role of CHRAJ is to show you how to live life properly - the good life, the high life, the hip life. Not the Bukom tough life. The rol ...
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Knowledge is power and it good to know the about the role
Bogus Mercy Adede, you cannot make any fucken request from the "general public" but rather from the governing P R E S I D E N T or THE C H I E F J U S T I C E.
Stop writing crap.
Bogus Adede --> "Now the general public ...
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CHRAJ in Ghana has outlivd its useless. Apart from the stinking corruption here, their investigations do not go anywhere. They are only wasting public funds.
One of the functions of CHRAJ is to probe corruption and malfeasance in Ghana but it is rather ironic and shameful to see the boss of CHRAJ herself engaged in corrupt practices by paying exhorbitant hotel bills which could ha ...
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it is indeed a good question....therefore we need to also ask ourselves why we refuse to fight is clear that our country is in bad state but we can indeed fix our problems without blaming anyone...this act of corrup ...
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