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She thinks too highly of herself.
Idiots and illiterates, could you please leave her alone.
I believe this idiocy is coming from the office of the fatty bleached face 1st lady. What is her position and how much does she earn to become a Santa Claus in our ...
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Thomas Owiredu, what is wrong with Mathilda Amissah-Arthur trying to help disadvantaged communities?
I am sure her public-spiritedness is with the full blessing of Lordina Mahama.
We must be thankful that we have two le ...
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who is this Thomas owiredu...why is such hateful thing published
Let's all Honest , H.E Matilda should also start a different programme. She must stop causing all this confusion and champion what will benefit this country and our great party. Asem Ben koraaa ni.
George Mensah, it is as simple as that.There are many other projects the Second Lady can undertake other than the very project the First Lady has embarked on. She should stop sowing confusion in the Presidency
Lordina is a kindhearted woman who is just doing her job, period.
Nyansasem, sometimes you do wonder how some Ghanaians could possibly 'reason' themselves in writing such absolutely stupid and childish nonsense.
Presumably, there is no friendly rapport between the First Lady, Lordina Mah ...
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Lonton-Boy, which part of the article is difficult for you t understand? Where did the writer argue that the Second Lady should be confined to the Kitchen? I salute Mr. Thomas Owiredu for a well thought out article. The Secon ...
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I wanted to add my comments and after going through a few of what my other level headed guys have said about this useless article, I cant stop weeping because it explains why we are still in this state of a nation ghana. Unti ...
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Nyansasem, you are very stupid. Do you know the first Lady? Do you know her family and the complexion that runs through the family? She is the last person who will bleach her face? Do you think she is like you and your wife. ...
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You say this nonsense and wonder why God is not answering your prayers..insult a woman you dnt know bcuz of some journalist view. If u read ur comment u would deduce who the illiterate is..moron. so clear u came on this page ...
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Is this guy normal for writing such nonsense? Maybe you have coal tar in your head. What is wrong if 2nd lady does humanitarian work? You just wasted space
The 2nd is a complete baggage, we should offload them.
Maybe she has an interest. Is she not allowed then.
Massa Owiredu,
I wasn't concerned about you consorting with foreign diplomats until one mentioned it to me, and then another and another. They seem to confide in you and I wonder what secrets you have confided in them.
How could such nonsense pass the editors notice and allow it to offend the sensibilities of readers? Jesus Christ!
I am a person who has completely given the NDC govt up as a useless govt but as for this, it is really belo ...
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OB,the writer of the article has clearly made his point. In fact the Second Lady is simply envious of Madam Lordina. But she should know that she is not the First ady and will never be
This is the most stupid article I have ever read on Ghanaweb. Where is it stipulated in the constitution that First and Second ladies cannot do humanitarian work? If an ordinary citizen could engage in humanitarian activities ...
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OOO-OO-HOOO! What kind of weird thinking is this? Competition? This is the figment of an childish mind. Understand the word "compliment"? Is she not complimenting the work of the First Lady? "Much fish will not spoil the soup ...
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Nii Shamo, just a little correction for any required public education. The word is complement and not compliment. It is easy fro us all to miss that delicate distinction but when it occurs, we must immediately correct it.
Apart from the fact that the entire article is full of misplaced hatred and baseless finger-pointing, I happen to know both Ladies long before they came into the public eye. For your information, Thomas Owiredu, there is a ve ...
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Was Owiredu born an idiot or he grew up to be one?
Oh ho, ghanaians!!! This too be some matter ?
ghanaweb must be up and doing to control such rubbishes that has engulfed your network.
reading such nonsense is becoming your hallmark. can goodness be wrong at anytime?
Useless article, it doesn't make sense to me. In which cardinal does act of giving constitute misbehavior.Ghanaian are too mean, do little n talk a lot
this is stupid of the writer. useless people always against the good in society.
We are not serious at all. Always engaged in pull him/her down! What is wrong with both being involved in humanitarian work?
this article is misplaced
The more the better
Politics has taken over our sense ogre reasoning.
thank you for expressing your opinion. but express opinions of substance next time Mr Overly Concerned. until this this article I didn't even know the second lady's name. that is low profile. hajia rahamatu was more visible t ...
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Mr Thomas,did Nkrumah have a vice President???? check ur facts before writing...... leave Mathy alone!!!
Oh our Ghana, where is our redeemer from these "hatred filled" Ghanaians? Why will someone dream and scheme this way. What has the Fantis and the Northeners done to you people who cherish only your own tribe men. You will nev ...
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Mr. Owiredu, have you considered the plight of the recipients of the good works of 2nd Lady Matilda Amissah Arthur?.As you rightly mentioned,she is hovering over the places attending to the needy by way of donating medical eq ...
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Hahahaha! The write has obviously exposed Mrs. Amissah-Arthur so she has gotton her friends like Mahmoud to react to it. Mahmoud, just tell her that she should check her arrogance
I m highly disappointed in the writer and the first you have been paid to write such an article.shame on to you.
wat difference does it make if one z overtakin de order in terms of humanitarian grounds
So you mean the international community is watching Matilda Ammissa Arthur and not rums 'dumsor'?
This is a very silly article.
Ghanaweb please review articles before they are posted here.
This article is stupid.
Is it a crime for the second lady to be doing charitable work?
Quaye, 6you are a bush man that is why the content of this article is far above your level of thinking. I guss you are writing from the office of the second lady. Tell her to stop being envious of the First Lady
Quaye, if this article is stupid, then you are really stupid
Utter rubbish
Why won't she ? A First Lady who can't even read written scripts as a masters holder ! And a husband who rules Ghana through this idiot ! See what's happening! Thieves!
This the most idiotic script I have read in this forum so far. Has the first lady monopoly over doing good acts? Where in the law, does it say no one except the first lady should be the only one to reach out to the poor and d ...
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The First Lady has no monopoly over humanitarian work. But why will the Second Lady not go and assist her if she is interested in that but prefers her own project and chose same. Is she competiting with her boss
Are u a puppet of the fisrt lady? just read ur own article again and think,have u been bribed by the FIRST LARDY-LORDINA to come OUT of this silly article? FINALY,see ur SENSELESS-WISDOM from ALL the comments given & Dont wri ...
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Kelton, if you think that the writer was bribed by the First Ladyto put down his thoughts, then I guess it is because you have been bribed by the Second Lady to reply in such a stupid manner.
ghana!!! Pls leave dis lady alone,she is doing well. the first lady shd nt jeolous her
BB, are you serious? Why would the First Lady envy the Second Lady? You mean the First Lady will like to become the Second Lady. Be serious, okay. The writer is simply saying the Second Lady should not go into projects the Fi ...
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Where is this thomas coming from? Can he mention those diplomats? Leave the Second Lady alone. Why did you speak about some of the lazy ghanaians in London and Germany who disgracefully demonstrated against President? Give us ...
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What a hell is this writer talking about?
A very myopic writer. Either this writer wants favour from the powers that be, or somebody has paid him to write this rubbish.
We are a developing country, so the more hands on d ...
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Ama Doe,
the writer did well with the piece. Apparently you do not understand the article or you don't understand governance. Where in the world will you find the Second Lady embarking on the same project the First Lady has ...
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The second lady should also focus on something else. She shouldn't be duplicating what the 1st Lady is doing. The only person to call her to order is the Husband.
Excellent analysis, 2nd Lady must stop now . Create your own thing and stop copying. There are so many things that she can do rather than copying. Mind you! There is only one 1st Lady in Ghana.
Disrespectful Matilda! Who can call her to order? Her own husband can't even call her to order.... Her foul attitude stinks!!!!
There is no way Matilda can match the standards set by Lordina, no humility, finess or style! I hope those insulting the First Lady know this? Lordina's giving attitude is natural, Matilda can go for tutorials.
The First Lady should just ignore this Second Lady and continue with her good work
The writer please what is your problem will you look on your work? if you been paid to do so then take your time do not bring problem between the two and be careful, did the first lady complain to you? if someone gave you mon ...
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The first Lady doesn't really care. She is doing her work. She is the mother of the nation.
Mrs Mahama is most active First Lady Ghana has ever had. I feel pains for the attacks on this woman. I don't think she has any problem with anyone competing with her.
Having read the article and the reactions underneath, I am surprise at the comments of some people on this forum? Are they saying that it is right for the Second Lady to begin doing the very thing the First Lady is doing? It ...
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I agree with the article in all aspect. It would have been better for the 2nd lady to do other things instead of trying to copy the 1st Lady. Lordina is the best when it comes to humanitarian and philanthropic activities.
Yes Owiredu is right. the 2nd lady can not compare herself with Lordina Mahama on humanitarian works. she can not copy and succeed. Lordina is real and natural. Matilda copy not
There is nothing wrong with helping the needy as a leader but this is about the promotion of her help over that of her superior or equal..It is abt the image ghana when it comes to publicity n branding. It is sad how people a ...
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The aticle has said it all. Lordina Mahama please be focus. your good work is appreciated and seen by all. no amount of copy or duplication call equal you. God knows qhy you arw 1st. keep it up
The Second lady must be innovative and do something new.
The First Lady is doing a great job to mankind
It Is rather unfortunate that Ghanaians can be so illiterate. In response to those that believe Madame Lordina Mahama has paid the writer to write this article shame on you!!!! Where in the world does our first lady have the ...
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The 2nd lady should venture into new things and stop this copy copy. Lordina is far ahead for Matilda to catch. Matilda" di wo lane mo"
HMMM, Second Lady advise yourself and do the honourable thing
Shame Shame Shame Second Lady
Allah has chose Loading and bone can take it away except Him. Manila Jüst follow Thé cause öf nature and stop Thé env
I always say Thé second lady want to do what Thé first lady is doing. Why do es she want to be the first lady? Pls follow ur lane. Loading is ahead
Matilda should shut up and encourage her husband to wake up from his slumber,the nation needs hard working personalities like mama Lordina her service to humanity is beyond description .
The Second Lady is simply and blatantlazy
Matilda need to be careful. You cannot be that ungrateful. There is the need to join resources rather than competing. Don't be Treacherous
why will matilda step beyond her boundaries. she is only being envious of her superior the first lady
it is true what thomas wiredu said.the first lady has taken the lead. matilda shame
the first lady should look ahead and help her husband as she has always than and forget about anyone who want to copy her
will someone tell matilda to keep quiet not to rock the boat of prosperity that we are in. Please the first lady carry on your humanitarian works
From the Name Lordina, Her Ladyship is Lord's choice one so irrespective of " jalinsi" her commendation would be a continum
Matilda is not doing her husband good because it seems she is out of control of the husband and it goes a long way to affect their future political carrier,it will be good for madam Matilda to respect her excellency the first ...
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Why can't some one express his/her views in our modern Ghana today,the issue is about the first lady and her second lady which the writer found not suitable for the highest office they are occupying,what wrong has the writer ...
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Please leave the two alone,they are all working for the betterment of mother Ghana,never will Matilda compare her position to that of the first lady,they are sisters to each other leave them alone,mother Ghana needs them bad ...
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Her Excellency the second lady must bow to her boss Madam Lordina Mahama the first lady of the republic of Ghana in order to receive her blessings
Yes,our second lady needs to mind her own business and also create something to do and stop copying the first lady Lordina Mahama.Will she take it lightly if she was in the first lady's shoes.The second lady Matilda Amissah- ...
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Nyansasam are you crazy, can you tell the difference between a bleached skin and unbleached skin.Idiot is your mother who is bleaching.
Matilda please do other projects and leave the first lady alone. Use your brains, think am sure u will come up with something.
I am in utter shock. your entire article is completely repulsive and useless. I find nothing wrong with the Second lady trying to make a difference rather than be in the shadow of our "Almighty" first lady