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The state of the nation address from the layman’s point of view- part 2

Wed, 1 Jul 2015 Source: Kwarteng, Amaning

Fellow Ghanaians, countrymen and women, this pathetic piece designed as Part 2 that you have spent some time to read today was supposed to have been published around July 24, to coincide exactly with the third anniversary of the sudden demise of the late president, John Mills but not. The reasons are that if I waited till then, the enthusiasm and focus of the reading public will be entirely lost and meaningless. The million dollar question on the lips of many Ghanaians is that if the government can hurriedly have a security capo meeting and secure by doling out Gh¢60,000.00 from nowhere as seed money to cater for the flood victims (those dead and medical expenses for the recuperating ones at the various hospitals), why would many people not point accusing fingers at the same government whose lackadaisical attitude regarding payments caused that fatal accident on that “Black Wednesday”, June 3, 2015? Alfred Okoe Vanderpuye, ‘Abodwese’ MCE is on tape recording that due to cash strap his outfit has become incapacitated to do lots of things including the de-silting of the Odaw River etc. By the way, are the security capos the only stake-holders in Ghana who could be rallied for expert advice in times of emergencies and decide for our destiny? Was there any prior consultation with the ‘deaf and dumb’ Council of State? If the government can quickly set aside 3 days for national mourning for cheap popularity, why then has it delayed for so long to wizen up to engage all stake-holders to pray for the Akosombo dam to help salvage and heal our dumsor chronic epilepsy that has systematically and continually paralyzed almost every sector of the economy and disjointed all individual businesses in Ghana? Silly, isn’t it? As the author keeps drumming home over and over again, some of our leaders are generally bereft of ideas. If ‘dining hall’ overseers of senior high schools (not even the university drop outs) could be nominated and appointed to ministerial positions here, should it surprise Ghanaians the way we find ourselves in? And if Madam Akua Donkor of all people should be part of a government delegation to Abuja, Nigeria, at the expense of the strangulated tax-payer for the coronation of HE Mohammed Buhari on Thursday, May 28, 2015, are not this and many more calamities that we should be expecting? Readers should pardon me for the harsh language but fact is fact and plain truth ought to be said as it is. If the current crop of politicians in power will not change their ‘foul-mouthed’ attitude and halt abruptly their daylight corruption and their cat-like thievery, we are yet to witness more of such calamitous consequences and nobody should blame the writer as a doomsday prophet. When that time comes, we should all brace up for the ultimate dividend. If the Mahama Ayarigas and their likes can triple the cost price of constructing school blocks for their selfish gains, at the expense of the already impoverished ‘kayayee’ who are their own kith and kin from the same northern regions without any reprimand or strong punishment to deter others because of partisanship, what do you expect to happen to us as a nation? If the Murbarak Muntakas have the guts to incite the Muslims to religiously pitch themselves against their fellow Christians but for which it back-fired, what do you expect to happen here? And lastly, if the likes of the offspring of the late Ishmael Barton Odros could be allowed to stay on as a big shot in our legislature and go scot free despite being a special actor and collaborator in the number of judgment debts, who should be blamed? Those with investments in Dubai, UAE, South Africa, Equatorial Guinea and elsewhere will be the first to be hit by the pungent stench of the hell fire yet to affect Ghana be they judges, clergy, politicians, the military or the police who have impoverished Ghanaians and made their lifestyles miserable. Mention has got to be made about the sudden and mysterious circumstances that led to the miraculous death of former president John Mills too. If the suspect does not own up to give testimony, his ‘ghost’ will perpetually continue to haunt us as a nation. It is hoped that now that the government has been jolted, they will sit up and halt their imbecile behavior and stop the blame game and arrogance of insults. If 42ml. of 6 hours continuous rainfall could bring the Accra metro -polis on its knees, how about if a little fraction of the Indonesia tsunami were to hit the whole coastal region of Ghana? Is the JDM’s government aware of our infrastructural deficit as the basis for this disturbing episode as a result of his insensitivity? What evil have Ghanaians committed in the sight of God to befit the fragment of tragedy of the ancient Sodom and Gomorrah? Or has the Lord found the likes of Korah, Dathan and Abiram with 250 princes i.e. the NDC MPs together with the party hierarchy, to insinuate that Moses was not the only person God could communicate with him. Blame game, isn’t it? Moses became demoralized and called for a meeting the next day and at that meeting, the Good Lord really proved that He was the Lord Omnipotent. The story goes on to say that instantly, the ground split into two and swallowed the truant persons alive and the gathering swore to abide by whatever Moses told them forthwith. This could be found from Numbers Chapter 16 and it may interest any reader to read to the end for the personal guidance of those who remain obstinate and have no respect for the elderly. Members of government and NDC appointees are reportedly purported to be springing up fuel filling stations all over the place and around the country like vegetarian mushrooms popping up in a rainy season. Is it not rather shameful for people in authority to think that Ghana’s world was certainly coming to an end tomorrow? Did the Kwakye Ofosus, the Ametor Kwames, the Murtala Mohammeds, the Okudzeto Ablakwas, the Solomon Nkansahs, the Fred Amenyos, the Fiifi Kweteys and their group take note of that? I may be right or wrong but the truthful rumour doing the rounds is that the calamity was as a result of “political rituals” the leadership clandestinely collateralized a contractual obligation for continuity no matter how painful the price may be by the ruling party to stay in power despite the abysmal and inept way the governance of this country is being run. I hope readers have not forgotten about the ‘many ways of killing the cat’ syndrome. One wonders why the NDC serial callers have till now not branded the NPP as the brain behind the rainfall that swept the 200 or more people to death. Take it or leave it, the rumour mongers have found the correct occasion and moment to besmear those it fits well.


If government can secure this huge figure from the Consolidated Fund to meet emergencies such as this, why can’t it wisely find funds to settle the over 90 junior doctors who have worked tirelessly for 9 months but blindly refuses to pay them for their honest and dedicated labour? And if all of them collectively cry to God for salvation, will it not turn a big curse on us? Please turn with me to the Book of Deuteronomy 24:14,15 that says “Thou shalt not oppress an hired servant that is poor and needy, whether he be of thy brethren or of thy strangers that are in thy land within thy gates: 15) At his day thou shalt give him his hire, neither shall the sun go down upon it; for he is poor, and setteth his heart upon it: lest he cry against thee unto the LORD, and it be sin unto thee”. To further buttress my point, continue to read with me the Book of Leviticus 19:13, 14 that also says, “Thou shalt not defraud thy neighbor, neither rob him: the wages of him that is hired shall not abide with thee all night until the morning. 14) Thou shalt not curse the deaf, nor put a stumbling-block before the blind, but shalt fear thy God: I am the LORD”. The passages or verses you have just read from the two different Books from the Good Book i.e. the Holy Bible – by Moses of old, should not be toyed with. If the Ghana Government will positively defy the payment (salaries) of some junior doctors but instead, will instruct, order, cause a new minister who has passed his vetting process by parliament to be paid his/her remuneration immediately after the end of a month, do we Ghanaians have any justification for not being showed the ‘yellow card’ in the form of the Odawna Floods and Fire” by God? It is on record that some nurses have also worked 24 months and this adamant government will not pay them their due wages but arrogantly reduce it to 3 months. If Ghanaians are subjected to being shown the ‘red’ card from God, then whose fault will it be? Are we not ashamed that government and its security capos should set aside 3 days of national mourning? Will this not amount to shedding crocodile tears? Who are our leaders fooling? Idiocy, isn’t it? Religious leaders, chiefs, opinion leaders, association of recognized bodies, judges from the bench and the bar and those who matter most in our society should not sit down like toddlers and behave like sycophants and ostriches but be seen to be speaking their mind otherwise, this country could be heading for doom. This country belongs to us all and should not be allowed one minute for a group of miscreants to lead us all to the slaughter house as if we were sacrificial lambs. God forbid! If by the end of this rainy season some of us do not notice that there have been action and proactive measures taken by the group listed above, I will pray earnestly that the innocent blood of the over 200 people who died in a bizarre circumstance, haunt Mahama, his children, government, and all who have by one way or the other looted from government chest to impoverish us like what we are today, the Good Lord should vent up his spleen on their families, their children and children’s children till the fourth generation yet unborn till thy kingdom come. And the reason is simple. It is because he bought his way to political power and people benefitted from that deal. Why do some of us behave so daft like the way we go about our normal everyday activities as a nation and would not talk because of cowardice? People should stand up to make sensible and constructive noise and be counted amongst the saints of old like John Charles Wesley, Martin Luther King Jnr. and the Big Six of the Gold Coast who fought for our independence.

CORRUPTION – If the incessant corruption embroiled by this government will cease or the actors will be reprimanded and penalized, the monies realized could be channeled to serving as the subsistence stipends for the Special School for the infirmary at Dzorwulu a suburb of Accra; the poor indefensible inmates at the Deaf and Dumb School at Mampong Akuapem would also feel as human beings not being left out; the Blind School at Akuapem Akropong will see the light of day. Why do Mahama and his numerous appointees think that the end of the world is just tomorrow? OBSTINACY – If the many Ghanaian contractors who have executed government jobs have not been paid for their bits and pieces because the same government of their obstinacy, will it not turn a curse on us forgetting that most of them have taken loans from banks; others too have collateralized their immovable properties for the loans and the failure to settle same has sent some to their graves prematurely. they will continue to have the impudence to behave like dogs in a kernel.

Below are serialized points that should have been embodied in the State of the Nation Address but were blatantly omitted during the time he read the address to the Members of Parliament and Ghanaians who were glued to their radios and television sets that Thursday, February 25, 2015. And old man believed to be in his 90s who pleaded anonymity clearly confided in me stated that what happened last Wednesday was just the tip of the iceberg of worse events to befall us and conjectured that the Black Wednesday sad picture was just the prelude to the series of calamities lined up to hit Mother Ghana because of the glaring perversion of justice in the 2013 Election Petition Hearing for JDM to be declared the victor. I need not bother readers about the events that led to the re-location of the Israelites from Egypt to the Promised Land. The miracles that were performed by Moses were equally simulated by Pharaoh’s magicians. The series of unexpected incidents lately have compelled me to release this newsworthy article before the expected date – i.e. 24/7/15.

Please read on.

? The devastating and catastrophic event of Wednesday, June 3, 2015, dubbed by many as the ‘Black Wednesday’ of Ghana should serve all Ghanaians as the ‘wake up’ call for the country and to examine our battle readiness for national disasters such as the one that claimed about 300 precious lives and loss of many properties worth millions of Cedis when the floods and fire struggled together to show each other’s supremacy at the GOIL Service Station near the Kwame Nkrumah Circle area. JDM has countless number of occasion debunked queries from the media about our combat readiness for solving floods and other related matters to be a thing of the past. But I will not hesitate to mention this with brevity and nostalgia because some snipers say that loans had been contracted for dredging the Odaw River which were not utilized but squandered and that must have been the cause of the ugly spectacle and/or ordeal we went through.

? The Lord God has jolted the nerves of the NDC and shown his ‘yellow’ card to warn them. If JD should stubbornly persist to win the 2016 elections by fair or foul means, as is being speculated that many aliens across and beyond the country’s borders have been illegally registered to vote for them because the indigenous Ghanaians ate very disgruntled to vote for them, then he better prepare for the ‘red’ card which is just in his back pocket. To do everything by hook and crook to entrench himself in power at the expense of this abysmal performance in governance to only amass wealth, then the good people of Ghana should fast and pray for the Lord to rain the ancient Egyptian plagues on the few people who do not do good for His chosen people.

? JDM intervened when the nasty brawl between his fighting elephants – Haruna Iddrisu and Murtala Mohammed when the latter accused the former that because he was filthily rich and did not know what to do with money, he could purchase an I-Pad or e-Pad for a girl-friend to take shots of him whenever he was nude. Hope this is not an exaggeration to Ghanaians as by his own admission, he conceded that the tape-recording was his personal voice. Couldn’t some of the so called riches be directed to enhance the lifestyles of some kayayees in Accra rather than lavish spending on sexcapade? This is a point blank assertion from the deputy minister formerly at the presidency.

? Say it as it is! In spite of the gargantuan corruption that has engulfed the JDM’s government, he wants to outwit the Ghanaian populace and throw dust onto our eyes that members of his government will forgo 50% of their ESB come January 6, 2016.

? If JDM was honest himself, he should have admitted and stated openly that the EPH judgment of Thursday, August 2013, was a perversion of justice by five of the 9-member panel of judges. If he musters courage to do that, all these series of mishaps would not befall us again. If he fails and becomes obstinate, serious blunders will continue to amplify in many official quarters. – thus, “It looks as if I am missing some pages from my speech at the ECOWAS confab recently, etc.” The month of September is awaiting you when you will be expected to appear again before the world august body, the UN to deliver another special message on Ghana. And your guess could be good as mine. Oyiwa!

? The SNA is emphatic here. Between now and the end of the year, there will be no money for government from the Breton Woods Institute hence the obstinate stance to entertain the junior doctors and the numerous nurses et cetera.

? JDM should have declared his innocence or otherwise and distance himself from the daily thievery of the national cake by appointees and the kind of severe punishment meted out to them to let people believe that he was a disciplinarian.

? He should have informed Ghanaians that because we were not smart people (to steal virtually, everything from the national purse and inflating multi-million State contracts to get fat kick-backs) that is why we are where we are today.

? JDM should have told us that if he sacked Kofi Portuphy, who doubles as National Chairman of NDC from office and Co-ordinator for NADMO, how was his party going to get the “ill-gotten awoof” money for 2016 campaign?

? JDM should be the first to admit that Ghana now pays the heavy price for the 1979/81 “unjustifiable coup d’etats” and the seed for disrespect for authority that was sowed there and then and his genuine repentance and humble plea for forgiveness and clemency for the murder of four (4) Army Generals by his benefactor – J.J. Rawlings (all Heads of State), maiming thousands and 300 more disappearances from their homes and never to be seen any more – courtesy, Kwesi Pratt Jnr.

? As you read this article, John Rawlings has not come out openly to admit his guilt, and solemnly with a contrite heart begged for forgiveness from Ghanaians for the atrocities he committed against humanity. Should we now be surprised if the same place Nkrumah Circle PTC area where he sat in a canoe in 1995 in a similar rainy season not be flooded to consume human lives?

? If the supposedly 2m registered voters by Afari Djan’s Electoral Commission from across and beyond Ghana’s borders is anything to go by to help JDM retain power at all cost and by this foul means, will God not teach us a painful lesson and serve the powers that be that it is not good to cheat by unleashing the deadly signal last Black Wednesday June 3?

? The cognitive SNA is that if JDM has the guts to set up an enquiry into the bizarre and dastard acid-throwing murder/manslaughter of Adams of Bolga, he should hurriedly set up an equally important enquiry into the mysterious and questionable death of Prof. John Mills who died with blood oozing from the mouth and nose but which the 37 Military Hospital authorities have since concealed from the public. The particular doctor who conducted the pathology should be forewarned and own up because God’s anger will definitely catch up with him sooner than later to bring epilepsy and strange deaths on his family.

? The bare facts in the SNA are that Hassan Ayariga a.k.a. “Ayaricough”, a surrogate and appendage of the ruling party who, having set his eyes on the presidency and contested the presidential elections of 2012, does not even know the real difference between an executive president and a ceremonial president, he should give us a break. He is up again and has been paid up to do the dirty trick for the paymasters by besmearing Nana Addo to the effect that Nana’s father, Edward Akufo Addo, was the brain behind the abrogation of the fee-free education in the three northern regions in 1970 – a situation that was not true at his party’s rally at Koforidua recently just to diminish Nana’s chances for 2016.

? The SNA is that all the public universities students who are being saddled with the payment of utility bills are the genuine prescription of the IMF which his government fully endorsed before the release of the first tranche or segment will be lodged into our vault.

? The secret in the SNA which JDM concealed from Ghanaians is that because of government ineptitude, it quietly sneaks to borrow at 30% from the local banks.

? The very truth of the SNA is that when JDM assumed the reins of government, he ensured that his salary and that of his ministers and host of appointees be increased immediately and taken retrospective effect from January 7,2009 instead of from August, 2012 (Gh¢12,000.00/month excluding VAT and Gh¢11,000/ Gh¢10,000/ Gh¢9,000/Gh¢7,000/Gh¢6,000.00 for the vice, ministers and their deputies and the MMDAs respectively. You see how they are milking Ghanaians to death and this is what he has ordered that none of them will enjoy full but half of the ESB.

? The truth of the matter is that there is total breakdown in all spheres of the economy and the command structure of our security services is no exception.

? The relative truth of the SNA is that if 40% interest on loans contracted by JDM up to 2014 accounted for $8bn, what about the principal itself when donors pounce us for payment?

? Fellow compatriots, if $3.5bn could not support the effective government machinery, how come that $914m staggered over a three-year period could suffice for our livelihood as a nation? In the local parlance, if a whole elephant has been killed for your table and you fail to make use of same, how come that you should be giving a wild chase after a rat? Very silly indeed.

? The SNA should have stated that because it has further compounded the standard of education, and has no technical know-how and the wherewithal to ameliorate it despite having a full university lady professor at the helm of affairs as sector minister, of the 76 sampled nations globally by OECD Report, Ghana nicely and effortlessly took the last place in the study of Science and Mathematics skills while tiny Singapore and Hong Kong topped the list with first and second positions after 58 years of independence and still priding ourselves as Gateway to Africa.

? The SNA is that the leaderships of Ghana is likened to a mango tree that bears papaya fruits and nobody should brand the author as a bad prophet.

? It is my prayer that the Lord punishes the EPA officials who blindly authorize persons to operate filling stations in residential areas.

? If we as Ghanaians should abhor and eschew political partisanship and applied nationalism, Ghana will be the leader and not an infidel, but on becoming president, will ever have the chance to lead us to a place where honey and milk flow for its citizens to enjoy life with ease.

? If JDM knowing and unknowingly was spiritually involved with the sudden demise of his Mills, he should renounce his innocence or otherwise from the bestial “killing” of a sitting president to introduce a novice who has bedeviled Ghanaians with series of calamities.

? If personalities such as the late Ishmael Barton Odro’s descendants would gleefully be found a place in government, do we have cause to blame God for the calamities engulfing us?

? The SNA is that JDM’s sudden amassed wealth and property have hypnotized him into losing focus on governance. This reminds the author about how one head of state fumbled with the pronunciation of the name “Nebuchadnezzar” at a public function.

? The SNA was prayerful this time when JDM visited Oxford recently. Take it or leave it. The government of JDM has lost credibility at home and abroad. The presidency has been so cheapened that the Murtalas and the Hannah Tettehs would not usurp the presidency and deliver presidential speeches at the instance of the vice when he is available and not incapacitated.

? The cheek of it! On the 40th anniversary of ECOWAS confab hosted by Ghana, JDM spoiled the occasion with incorrigible nostalgic performance. “Yentie obiara” To hell with you, damn the consequences.

? The SNA is that since the NDC government is hooked to or hinged with arrogance and incorrigibility, no wonder the general secretary wore the ladies jacket to a well attended German forum where HE Chancellor Angela Merkel presided.

? It must be placed on record that JDM has breast the tape for setting up needless committees of enquiry than any other president since independence.

? The Good Lord has spoken! When King Nebuchadnezzar hardened his heart to chastise the people of God, he sent him straight to the bush to remain for 7 years to learn his lesson from there.

? The gospel truth is that if a person like Fiifi Kwetey could, without any provo -cation, come out to describe Ghanaians as KG kids who are still fed with milk and wear diapers, without any reprimand from his boss, the president, do we think God will be a happy Super-natural Being up on high?

? Before JDM became president, were his children schooling in Dubai? Believe it or not, his new haven is in Dubai where he will sojourn after his exit from the presidency.

? The true SNA is that the more mountains and hills of filth that we normally generate in Accra and its environs for which ‘Abodwese’ Okoe Vanderpuye has become incapacitated to handle, resulted in the Black Wednesday calamity.

? The SNA is that the more the president lies to Ghanaians, the more the problems get compounded – electricity barges are arriving in April; incidentally, April has come and gone. Ghanaians should expect it in September, and it is just a couple of months away. And Kwabena Donkor too must be bidding his time for end of December by which time he will resign his post if the dumsor era has not changed for the better. We are yet to see if he does not leave his office, I shall be the first to eject him with bulldozer and drive him from his bungalow.

? The SNA is that if after former President Kufuor should create an enabling environment for Togbe Afede XIII to become so filthily rich and could turn round like an ostrich to publicly inform the late Mills that prior to his visit, he was an alien in his country but his visit to Ho concretized his citizenship as a full-blooded as a Ghanaian. Double standards indeed!

? The SNA was however silent on the activities of the impotent three (3) Wisemen that he JDM appointed (Hons. Cletus Avorka, ET Mensah and ASK Bagbin) whose duty it was to transform Ghana’s economy and make Ghana a new haven for global investors.

? Fellow Ghanaians, Christians know too well that during the days of Noah, after he had preached about Christian virtues and attitudinal change and received no better response for 120 years, the people were punished with 40 days and nights of torrential rainfall. Those who were saved were the eight people (his household and a couple) plus the animals that heeded to the call. Come to think of the era of Lot. During his time, because of truancy, indiscipline, gay and lesbianism, corruption, thievery (like Ghana today), cheating and disrespect for God’s caution, respect for authority, ended up in fire and brimstone. Not even Lot’s wife could save herself due to greed and worldly treasures and pleasure. Strangely, never before in the history of man throughout the world that both fire and water have caused so much havoc to bring alarming casualties than what took place in Ghana under John Mahama at the Kwame Nkrumah Circle on that Black Wednesday, June 3, 2015. And that is why many deep thinking and well meaning theologians and ministers of religion think this bizarre incident was not a mere accident but rather a camouflage of evil and wicked nocturnal things going round in our midst.

? The SNA of January 2013 by John Mahama hinted with a special promise emphasizing the need to improving the Accra plains and drainage system. But since God does not tolerate persons with vain promises, he shook Himself with the kind of episode all of us watched on our television screens. I advise those who are intimate with the president to cease with his thousands of promises to avert untoward hardships on us.

? Friday, May 8, 2015, was when the NDC finally launched the onslaught with the view to winning the so-called 1m votes in Ashanti come the 2016 elections with not less than 100 single and twin cabin pick-up vehicles. Good start eh? But wait a minute! Scouts and snipers ambushed the premises of Georgia Hotel in Accra, to catch a glimpse of the kingpins (Kofi Portuphy, Asiedu Nketiah, Yaw Boateng Djan, Koku Anyidohu, Kofi Adams and others who later drove off in convoy to the Peace FM offices.

? Have Ghanaians forgotten too soon about “Rosalinda’ Ruby Ametepe’s 12.5kgs. cocaine haul to the U.K. that had the backing of the ruling party? Has Victor Smith been able to, with consent from Accra, (courtesy, Hannah Tetteh & Co.) pay a casual visit to her while cooling off in a UK prison custody?

? Wonders, they say, will never, and indeed will never end in Ghana. Six months on, the actual SNA is that the fuel cost spent by generator users in homes, offices and factories, runs into trillions of cedis. It is no wonder that Blue Skies company has laid off some 1,000 workers. Whoever in Ghana thought let alone dream about the closure of the British Council which has been here since independence due to inability of fuel bills and maintenance cost to machinery. It is being rumoured after investigations conducted by this junketing author that the US Embassy in Accra might sooner than later be closed to the public (if nothing concrete was done about the national dumsor ailment - for interested visa applicants to travel to Abidjan, La Cote d’Ivoire for visas. Has any well meaning Ghanaian in government thought about this handicap? Are these revelations not serious impediments and the NDC serial callers will, as before, with their sharp teeth like evil dwarfs, apportion blame and shift the goal-posts to the NPP backyard. Very shameful!

? Investigations conducted by this prolific writer from Muslim friends indicate that the blessed wife of Prophet Mohammed, the celebrated leader and founder of Islam Religion was by far older than the husband himself. So, if old age was nothing to go by, how was this global celebrity able to propagate the religion with his support? Is it surprising that after ex-President John Kufuor had suddenly nurtured and made him what he is today, (Asogli Power Plant near Kpone, Tema, turn back his face to insinuate that during his era, he felt as if he was an alien in Ghana but quickly metamorphosed to be a Ghanaian on the visit of the late Prof. Mills. A chameleon indeed!

? The gospel truth once more about the SNA is that the NDC is on record (according to a source from Oman FM Boiling programme a couple of months ago) to have demanded some $1m. from the contractors of the T.2 Energy giants. Anyway, the more dumsor, the more money JDM’s special importers of finished fuel products continue to make gains. True or False?

? Does JDM know that all the ‘Kufuor police and military recruits’ who had just completed with their training courses in 2008 were Ghanaians? What advice did he then give to his boss John Mills, as head of government, who defiantly sacked all of them as if they were not full-blooded Ghanaians? If all such people cry unto God, will it not turn a great curse on you as the man in the saddle? We should cast our minds back on the various criminalities and ponder carefully over them for peace to prevail.

? The SNA was unmindful of the gradual warming up by Togbe Afede XIV, a highly respected and prominent traditional chief from the Volta Region into mainstream politics. Can he quietly abdicate unnoticed and enter full time politics just as Hon. Robert Munsori alias Naa Kublison Namblita of the Talensi Paramountcy. Until last weekend, he was the MP for Talensi, UER, and has honourably and wisely exited from politics to avert public sentiments. That is a wise decision.

ADMONITION – Dr. Ezanetor Agyeman Rawlings

Dr. Ezanetor Agyeman Rawlings is someone that I had never seen in public life since she and her siblings left the shores of Ghana for further studies in Ireland. Knowing that his (JJ’s) government had introduced the bizarre educational policy that would not improve but worsen the standard of education in Ghana and render most of them a hopeless future, JJ Rawlings, not oblivious of the consequences, saw the need to quickly push his children to Europe for exposure and academic laurels. Fine, he has achieved his aim because his loved friends in Europe bore the academic and residential bills pertaining to their upkeep while there. What did he do to such friends to warrant such meritorious gesture? I dare him if he can chest out and say that he never stole any government money other than his salary to do such an undertaking while he had previously accused his former Generals of abandoning the professional soldiering to doing business (lust for money) hence his notorious uprising of 1979. Has he now realized the serious harm done to the many children whose parents could not afford to further their education abroad for better job opportunities? Before Dr. Ezanetor Agyeman Rawlings, the first daughter of Mr. Rawlings rose to speak and finish with the nice soul-touching speech last Monday, June 8, 2015, at the occasion of the national mourning programme hosted by TV3, one would have thought that either before the speech or at the tail end of it, she would have seen wisdom to politely and repentantly render an unreserved and unqualified apology from a remorseful heart to the Nation on behalf of her father for the mayhem and bestial atrocities he unleashed on all Ghanaians during the infamous 1979/81 coups d’etat but not. What prevented her from doing that? May be she was then a breast-milk feeding baby in 1979 when her father struck but which they do not want her to know about the sordid past. Has she been informed about the way and manner the three (3) high court judges including a 3-month old nursing female judge - Justices Fred Poku Sarkodie, Kwadwo Agyei Agyepong, Cecilia Koranteng Addow (then a nursing mother) and an Army Major, Sam Acquah were abducted – according to the author of the ‘Judges Murder Trial of 1983’, by Lance Corporal Amedeka, Coorporal Johnny Dzandu, Amartey Kwei and others from their homes, driven to Bundase near Ada during curfew hours to the military firing range, sat them on stones, still blind-folded; shot them from their back, and later poured petrol on them and set the mutilated dead bodies ablaze? Has she been de-briefed about all these ‘Davidian’ evil that happened during her father’s regime of course not forgetting that the very ignition keys to the Fiat Campagnola vehicle in question that drove them were collected right from her mother’s dining table then at the Ridge flat being occupied by the CAL Bank now and situated on the Independence Avenue? Today, Tuesday, June 30, 2015, marks the 33rd anniversary of the heinous and barbaric act by her father’s PNDC regime and accomplices. Has she heard about Kwabena Agyei Agyepong of the NPP and does she know how his father, as one of the judges in question suffered his fate and as many as 300 persons disappeared from this country – courtesy, Kwesi Pratt Jnr.? Now that she is in her mid-30s and matured enough, could she find out from her parents how the Ghanaian womanhood was brought to nudity and ridicule and given some German dozen whips in the open at the Makola Square, Accra like the Roman Amphitheatre, Rome in the full glare of thousands of spectators? I advise Ezanetor to pick a copy of the Judges Murder Trial of 1983 authored by one Daniel Agyekum from the University of Ghana’s Balme Library or the Bookshop or leading shops in town. If Ezanetor gets to know about this and many more, she would not have accepted that undignified invitation from TV3 to present herself and rattle the Queen’s English the way she did which her father denied many a Ghanaian children there and then. The introduction of Junior Secondary School concept and abolishing the General Certificate of Education system was by her father in 1994. It is not too late for her to apologize unreservedly for the uncivilized manner and inhuman treatment her parents subjected Ghanaians to. She must try to condemn the atrocious acts they committed against Ghanaians (army generals and hundreds of civilians and her mother too grabbing plenty State assets like mad) and when she gets another fine opportunity like that, she does not hesitate to render an unqualified apology on a similar platform to erase the stigma and guarantee their safety/security in future. By the way, was her exposure a ploy by the parents to enhance her political future for the 2020 elections and beyond while being groomed? Is she aware that some people could still be pregnant with retaliatory motives? I rest my case. To bring the curtains down finally, I should like to illustrate the current governance to the biblical quotation taken from the Book of Jeremiah 17:11 that reads “As the partridge sitteth on eggs, and hatcheth them not so he that getteth riches, and not by right, shall leave them in the midst of his days, and at his end shall be a fool”. Anybody who has by one way or the other stolen government money (from kick-backs, judgment debts, inflation of contracts, inducements for perversion of justice to favour the unjust, monies for the physically challenged and not released to them appropriately) meant for the development of this Nation but has diverted same, for personal gains and use and stashed in foreign banks, investments in foreign lands at the expense of Ghanaians, will die like how wicked and treacherous Jezebel and selfish husband, King Ahab of Israel of old experienced when birds of the air licked their blood and wounds and dogs of the earth fed on their carcasses. If after all this the religious leaders and judges who are God’s representatives on earth will not be corrupted by the politicians with 4-wheel drive vehicles to pervert justice, but be conscious of their inalienable God-given right and conscience, Ghana will return to normalcy once more to become the beacon of Africa.


i) What date was Mohammed Ahmed Alhassan’s two-year contract extension made public by JDM and when does it expire? If such persons are allowed to stay on unconstitutionally and illegally as mandated by the 1992 Constitution, to work at the expense of those to take over, why will that particular person’s cry not turn a curse on government and prove a nauseating consequence?

ii) How old is Prof. Joshua Alabi of the UPSA and when does he retire? Forgotten about Prof. Kwabena Frimpong-Boateng of the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital when he was just 10 days over the stipulated retiring age of 60? How about Prof. Kwadwo Asenso Okyere of the University of Ghana, Legon? Was he spared a moment in office? Did you not sack him to meet his sudden death in far away Europe?

iii) How old are Commissioners of Police Rose Bio Atenga and John Kudalor; DCOP Ayalingo and retired but retained DSP Yakubu of the Armoured Squadron now? To finally leave you to rest, ponder over this, “If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, then the few who are fabulously rich cannot have their peace” hence the total insecurity and spate of armed robberies due to the dumsor dumsor situation that enhances their operations.

On countless occasions, John Mahama has tried to ridicule Ghanaians and spilled filth: “baloney, sledge hammer, bull-dozer, et cetera. Ghanaians are easily forgetful, no matter what, they will forget; the moment you give the Ghanaian Gh¢50.00 concealed in a match-box, a couple of chamber pots, and ‘T’ shirts, i.e. in the Ghanaian parlance; “matter close”, they will vote for you to win an election. Finally, he is recorded to have said that we are not smart people otherwise; we will have noticed how he dips his hands into the national purse. But will Ghanaians ever forget about the ‘self-inflicted floods and great fire of June 3, 2015, incidentally the eve of the 36th anniversary of Rawlings uprising? Certainly, not! Never ever! Have we noticed that we are indeed not generational thinkers and not until there was a tragedy, our leaders will not be sensible enough to sit down to work like robots? To quote Pastor Dr. Mensa Otabil of ICGC fame, we should be more proactive, pragmatic and generational thinkers. If we had heeded to his timely advice and acted accordingly, perhaps, this dilemma could have been averted and not be fighting the battle we are fighting now. If this political ineptitude is not hammered on the nail head right now, then when will it be more appropriate to politicize it? In the midst of transportation deficiency, who has to order the release for use of the over 200 second-hand buses from China, now parked at the State House awaiting the re-branding in the national flag under the mercy of the weather? In what condition will their batteries be in December with the market prices going for Gh¢500 (Gh¢100,000.00) to further exacerbate the already worst plight of the tax-payer? If half of this number had been put on the Accra roads as commuters to ease transportation, the number of casualties who converged at the GOIL filling station for shelter to meet their untimely death could have been minimized or possibly averted? Are we really serious and sensible as a nation with well-bred leaders or now trying to rewind the brains? Ghana is in deep political and economic crisis with this perennial dumsor situation. It is a tragedy that Ghanaians under Mahama have gone to the abyss. Where, where and where are the 3 so-called wise men? One year on after the infamous Senchi Confab, where the NDC’s Think Tank including Akua Donkor converged to deliberate on the economy but we are still limping economically with the cedi crawling at Gh¢4.48/$1.00. It is my prayer that we do not gallop beyond the Gh¢5.5 mark before Xmas. Which civilized country will ever tolerate this kind of nonsensical ineptitude from an impotent government while the various unjustified judgment debts that were foolishly paid to undeserving recipients could have been marshaled to purchase fuel to power the thermal plants and save us all from this horrible Dark Age dilemma under chauvinist Mahama? If Mrs. Nerquaye Tetteh, the wife of the Senior State Attorney at the AG’s office was ‘gifted’ with some Gh¢400,000.00 as bonus, what figure do you think Alfred Agbesi Woyome will leave under his dining table as crumbs for both the AG, ‘How dare you’ Betty Mould Iddrisu and deputy, Ebo Barton Odro to lick as their unpatriotic share for the wicked part played? What is wrong with our leaders and is Amissah-Arthur in Ghana with some dignity? Does Mahama want to outdoor these buses one year before the next elections to look a bit new having arrived somewhere December at the Tema Harbour and parking them at the State House around February? Do we need Kwesi Nyantakyi’s co-efficient solution here?


Mr. Mahama’s government took a swipe and increased the salaries of his ministers and himself with him taking some Gh¢12,000.00 non-taxable income per month. The irony is that it surreptitiously took a retrospective effect from January 7, 2009 when he was then the vice president instead of end of August, 2012 after he had become substantive president. This figure Gh¢12,000.00 multiplied by the supposedly ‘criminal’ 43 months works out at Gh¢516,000.00. Assuming the cedi rate was Gh¢3.00 to the US$1.00 at that time, then he has by foul pretences and what not, defrauded the State of Ghana $172,000.00. In view of the above, I am putting out feelers to seek professional legal advice and wage a campaign to test the pulse of the Supreme Court especially the two newly sworn-in judges – Justices Apau and Pwamang who have not yet gotten foothold at the SC. I hope Her Ladyship, the Chief Justice, Madam Georgina Theodora Wood, will not shirk her official responsibility to take the chair of the panel despite her church relationship with JDM and tell the whole wide world whether this action of her former Sunday School chap was not a criminality or otherwise. To bring the curtains finally down, I will like to quote Atiik Mohamed, “John Dramani Mahama is a total disappointment of the people of the North” and in my own parlance, is the worst ever president Ghana has produced in contemporary Ghanaian politics. The Akans have a saying that says, ‘Din bo antummi wo a, etete wo ntoma’ to wit, if perpetual name calling does not cause you any bodily harm, at least, it can cause your nudity. Who thinks the hundreds of demonstrators by the 60 and 75 year olds who took to the streets in Kumasi cannot be translated to curses?

If JDM and supporters could return the ill-gotten corruption monies, rescind the evil intentions to retain power and atrocities that had bedeviled this nation of ours, I would be prepared to stick my head on the line like Tweneboa Kodua of Kumawu for Ghana’s good.

By: amaningkwarteng1@gmail.com

N/B – Please you may do a thorough editing to suit your editorial standards and devoid of any derogatory language before publishing. If it is more than a page, may be, you publish the final part on a different day or on another page of the paper. Many thanks.

Amaning Kwarteng.

Columnist: Kwarteng, Amaning