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Has Kwame Okoampa-Ahoofe any conscience?

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Tue, 14 Jul 2015 Source: Guure Brown Guure

In one of his usual ethnocentrically incensed, and pompously verbose restatements about the President of the Republic, Kwame Okoampa-Ahoofe, purports, this time, to have the people of Talensi at heart by shamelessly questioning the former’s commitment to the development of the later. (See “What Dress Rehearsal, President Naked?” Ghanaweb.com 10/7/15).

Whilst, hypocritically, he has a penchant for calling the president all sorts of names, Kwame is on record to have filed a frivolous, yet, potentially damaging complaint against a Ghanaian Lawyer residing in the USA for allegedly calling him (Kwame) names. This thus prompts the question, has Kwame Okoampa-Ahoofe a conscience?

In the said complaint to the Texas Bar, Kwame Okoampa-Ahoofe cried: “Mr. Samuel Adjei Sarfo has written several articles on the website called Ghanaweb.com (sic) in which he has called me names including “drug dealer”, “orangutan” and “cocaine addict”.

I have never met the man or (sic) communicated with him. I have, however, warned in the Ghanaweb.com comments forum of my intention to either launch (sic) a lawsuit against him or report his behaviour to the Texas Bar, since he attacks me in the guise of his occupation as a licensed lawyer.” (See “Concerning Okoampa’s Complaint to the State Bar of Texas” Ghanaweb.com 26 December 2014).

Clearly, Mr. Okoampa-Ahoofe was not disputing the “names” made in reference but his only problem was that he “never met the man or communicated with him”. Although Kwame’s infantile complaint was promptly dismissed, it nonetheless portrayed his supposed intellect in a rather bad light far below the pit into which his own evil writings have sunk him.

Nevertheless, the saga of Mr. Okoampa-Ahoofe’s ‘hard earned’ appellations is not the reason for this rejoinder. Rather, it is the apparent preposterous inferences, mischievous distortions and shallow analysis he presented in his article, which triggered this response.

Waking up in his Garden City, New York hideout, the renowned tribalist lamented, unconscionably: “About all that one can say about a shameless and pathologically and grossly incompetent President John Dramani Mahama, campaigning and making his characteristically vacuous hustings promises in the Talensi bye-election on Sunday, is that the man is too butt-naked hollow and shallow to talk about Tuesday's election's being a mere "dress rehearsal".

For Kwame, “The fact of the matter is that if GYEEDA did not bring the people of Talensi any appreciable level of development, I don't know what level of development an IMF-World Bank economic-receivership government will be able to bring into the kitchens and dining tables of the people of Talensi”. And this is where Mr. Okoampa-Ahoofe misses the point.

In the first place, GYEEDA was set up by Kwame’s perceived “development experts” (the NPP) in 2006. So if Mr. Okoampa-Ahoofe and his beloved NPP had the development of the people of Talensi in mind as he suddenly seems to, then, between 2006 and 2009- three good years before NDC came into government, and between 2006-2013- six clear years before president Mahama took office, the people of Talensi should not be concerned now about what they bring to “their kitchen and dining tables” but instead, about their “appreciable level of development”- whatever Kwame means by this.

I believe Mr. Okoampa-Ahoofe’s hasty reference to GYEEDA in his write-up is premised on the Auditor General’s report of 2013. I suppose Kwame is “grossly incompetent” to know that the committee set up by the then Minister of Youth and Sports was under the directive of President John Mahama.

Is Mr. Okoampa-Ahoofe “too butt-naked hollow and shallow” and so out of touch with issues back home, not to know that officials who were deemed to have engaged in wrong doing have been put before a competent court of jurisdiction?

Has the mess in GYEEDA not been cleaned up? Can Mr. Okoampa-Ahoofe name any member of President Kufuor’s government who was ever put before court to answer questions of alleged financial impropriety? Mr. Okoampa-Ahoofe would predictably labour to recall the name of Mallam Issah as a case in point to support his obtuse NPP eight year rendition. We all know the poor brother of mine was made a scapegoat, all because he was marked as an “outsider”, thus an exception to the “corruption is as old as Adam” mantra.

Secondly, it is “shameless and pathologically and grossly incompetent” of Mr. Okoampa-Ahoofe to call President Mahama “shameless and pathologically and grossly incompetent” for failing to competently recognise the competence of President Mahama, especially with regards to his efforts at improving the lives of the people of Talensi in particular and Ghanaians in general.

We the people of Talensi need not a runaway substance abusing renegade to show us which direction to cast our vote. The photographs that were taken in 2005 of our brethren to help convince the US Millennium Challenge Account of the need for a grant, only to exclude us from the projects proper is still fresh in our minds.

We the people of Talensi are thus happy to vote NDC again and again because we remember absolutely the “gross incompetence, untold corruption and acute hardship brought upon our heads” by the Kufuor-led government of the NPP.

Let Kwame Okoampa-Ahoofe take note that the competence of President Mahama is very much clothed in his resolve not to do things the usual way; and it takes competence to realise this- which Kwame obviously lacks.

The competence of President Mahama include his resolve to transform the Ghanaian economy from that of an import based to an export-driven one; his competence to clean the public payroll of all the ghost names that Kwame’s political masters helped create; the president’s shift from the unsustainable socialist model of state subsidisation of goods and services to a market driven economy, - and Mr. Okoampa-Ahoofe of all people, should not miss this point because he lives in the USA where no government subsidy is placed on any of his utility bills.

Columnist: Guure Brown Guure