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Nice cut and paste article that pays a glowing tribute to the first wife of Osagyefo Dr. J. B. Danquah, and by extension, the great martyr and mentor himself.
Kudos, Bro. Kwarteng. Good job for the timely honor done to our ...
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Danquah does no wrong. Danquah is our leader. Danquah is our messiah. Danquah never dies.
Kwarteng, you sounds totally exausted from pasting series of copied garbage. You are now cutting more garbage than rubbish.
You have two major problems, you can't think right and secondly your low I.Q. can't help you to ex ...
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Bob, you are so knowledgeable. Your great encyclopedias on scientific knowledge must be mandatory reading for all university scholars. Personally, I'm honored for the introduction to your colossal intellect.
The kudos is to Francis for honouring the memory of an indefatigible woman who unfortunately married a womanising rogue! Ha! ha! That one comes out clearly in the piece. You can't sanitised it.
Btw, I think the "Vicentis K ...
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C.Y. ANDY-K, you know much better than me that your dad, Kwawukume was corrupt and a thief Ewe, who used his position those days to steal cars from the Tema habour, but then it is not new, because such habbit is normal with y ...
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EMIDUTORVIAWO MATEMEHONI NO TESTICLES FELLATOR, ignominiously masquerading to spew his ethnocentric venom.
Brethren behold a malodorous colonial swamp dweller so ashamed of himself he must hide!!! WAAAAOOW Sorry to drive ...
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Nyebro Yao,
Thanks for the corrective info.
Have a great weekend.
Feminists are white women's creation. Before black women in the US started messing up with that poison, both African American men and women fought together against an evil system and made head way. The family was tight and to ...
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READ: "...“The degree of a country’s revolutionary awareness may be measured by the political maturity of women.”..."
WE SAY: We've always been One (1) with that statement, and believe that Ghana is still under-devel ...
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I join you wholeheartedly to celebrate the great achievements of a great woman who married a great man.
Thanks MOFO. Prof. Kwarteng has indeed made my day with this unique cut and paste.
Mabel great yes but J B had none of greatness.Greatness was being trust upon him but he failed miserably to grasp it
Kojo T, the disgrace is becoming rampant, better let it be with trying to comment in English, Kojo stop pulling Ewes in a dirth and better write your comments next time in Ewe, after all we can understand you good.
interesting stories
This type of superficial "scholarship is all too common. Mabel us only portrayed in where she worked and what happened to her. But what matters most in describing a writer is: what sort of voice did she have? What was the qu ...
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Dear Aboliaboli,
Thanks for the issues you raised.
Before I begin, let me ask you this simple question: How do you read? That is, did you read every line I wrote?
I ask because I clearly defined the focus of my essa ...
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Dear Aboliaboli,
Tell us also how Mabel's "voice" (in your special case) correlates with all her pseudonyms (as regards all the newspapers I mentioned and her corpus of short stories)!
Tell us also how all these "facts ...
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Miss Dove was my mentor to all people who stayed with her st tech may God bless us and her ancestors especially sister Ella late bro franklin and bra nii adoo
Francis Kwarteng,
I am criticising your entire approach, which the introdution cannot excuse!
What did she have to say about women's rights? You don't tell us. Is it because you are too lazy to look for her works and rep ...
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Dear Aboliaboli,
Where are my answers? Anyway you are not criticizing. You are merely being lazy. You can read Mabel's short stories in minutes! Therefore what are you waiting for? Go and read them and come back with your ...
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