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Why do you always write as your intention is to display your ability to master the queen's language. You will be doing yourself and the majority of the readers on this platform a big favor if you could write in simple Englis ...
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Spot on! Okwampa will be communicating better in simple straight forward language rather than attempting to swarm us with such needless vocabs
Prince,you stole the words right out of my mouth
Kennedy talk don't listen to them
It doesn't make meaning to write what people don't understand. Even the queen of England doesn't speak this kind of English. It's just gibberish. No body understands your write-up.
Hahahahaha... I have no doubt in my mind of the author's intelligence and most probably expertise in Ghanaian political affairs but his choice of language is just....I'm at a loss for word here - no pun intended- Jesu Christo ...
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OMG I thought I am the only person who don't understando him.
This helps to explain why NPP's defeat in 2016 should not look surprising. And incredibly, the NPP leadership and the party elders went silent on this.
Did this guy study communication? Who cares if you think you understand BROFU . Give us a break with your useless words you call big english.
Get a life mr foolish writer
If you can't understand this writer, then Maybe this article is not meant for you to read and critique.
Okoampa, you may care or not but be it known that you have become too verbose in your writing that you don't communicate to your readers who evidently have geometrically dwindled
Your message has become insipid and valueless ...
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Spot on.
This usefull but useless to Ghana PhD holder is up at it again. A frustrated faggot
Oh prof, really? Can you genuinely or honestly say, or imagine that a tenth of those who read, or attempted to read this article actually had any comprehension? Hahaha!
Slow your roll chief, communicate!
Its is useless writing when reading can not flow smoothly, my advice you will not impress any one with this attempts in trying to prove you know English. Write simple English.
You re right but maybe they also realize that the oeople in nadoli re tierd with the majority leader and the move to help him win the primaries can see him lose the main elections,theres always two sides to a coin so just don ...
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