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Writing silly articles on silly topics!
An interest, indeed!!!
Dog eating Kwame Okoampa kwasiato living in the stone age writing trash, as usual, aboafunu.
God save Ghana from these shallow dim wit NPP sobs gunning to run Ghana
Tribal insults won't win power for NPP.
You are a son of a BITCH,IDIOT,STUPID fellow narrow minded why don't you expose yourself when writing such garbage?.
Such deliberate desperation to offend Ewes. It must be tiring being so full of hate. Continuously and deliberately using such offensive, provocative and condescending language aimed at Ewe people is pathetic and stupid. Stop ...
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The only meaningful lessons are that you are an idiot, good for no commercial value and total disgrace to academia.
Who do you think you are? Do you think your tribe is better than others'? Stupid fool.
What is the contribution of Trokosi Nationalists to Ghanaian Civilization?
Indemnity Clauses and Voters' Register Padding With Togolese Nationals.
This Gbeha called Okoampa will never cease to amaze us.the hatred will continue to eat u up till u drop dead.A man of sorrow.
Amegazo is U.S. creation because that is how the U.S. army is trained to behave and even citizens. That is how the U.S. army behaves on the bases they have around the world. In Germany and Japan people are murdered, women and ...
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I think the piece is in bad taste because it looks down upon our Ewe brethern. Besides, the choice of words is something. How can an ordinary person like me understand these 'big' English. Infact, brofoyedru. Masa, be plain n ...
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This mentally deranged ethnocentric monster is at it again.
His contrived hatred of Ewes, Anlos in particular, is utterly based on a feeling of self-hatred, self-hatred of what happened to him, considering the fact his ow ...
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Worthless and frustrated academic Okoampa-Ahoofe takes pride in calling others "nigger", when he really should be using that word on himself. Frustrated by the serial losses of Nana CIA (Clueless Incompetent Akufo-Addo), deme ...
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