
Gov't should be held responsible for high cost of electricity - not ECG

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  • YAA-YAA 8 years ago

    NDC government is packed with inexperienced small small small boys and girls whose sole duty is to rain insults on ADULT SUCCESSFUL ENTREPRENEURS AND ACHIEVERS who try to offer advice or criticizeanything under ndc government ...
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  • YAA-YAA 8 years ago

    AMERI DEAL IS NDC SCHEME for RIPPING off Ghanaians big time...... They have used contract sole sourcing to fleece Ghanaians, SADA GYEEDA SUBAH ETC fake judgement debts BUSREBRANDING THIEVERY and corruption and thievery..... N ...
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  • nana addo 8 years ago

    When your wife leaves you will blame government.
    Kofi a perpetual mind wallowing in self pity and welfarism

  • YAA-YAA 8 years ago

    Why don't you do yourself a favor by asking commonsense questions about the consequences of ndc government dubiously paying total judgement debts of approximately one billion dollars in total to cronies like woyome etc..... S ...
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  • Nana Kwasi Okine 8 years ago

    The number of people now on social media has gone up considerably and all these people have to regularly charge their computers and smartphones thereby increasing their electric bills. Our clueless should have taught of this ...
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  • kofi 8 years ago

    Thank you sir, you have said it all. Politicians develop hard ears when they want to steal. They dont listen or pay attention to any advice. ECG should be bold and defend themselves like ISD staff did in the brochure issue. T ...
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  • pisco 8 years ago

    Massa, you talk all. government is at least 100% responsible for this power hykes but will as usual escape criticism. Indeed, the cancer virus will eat this government this year