
What sort of apology are these Catholic bishops talking about?

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  • Alima ocloo 8 years ago

    Kwame, you seem to have some kind of no place in ur heart for christian folks and their leaders. (2) Pls this is Ghana where the are over 90% uneducated graduates, so let your write ups be simple. Your write ups is just as an ...
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  • KOFFI 8 years ago

    Why condemn Kennedy instead of prevailing on him to prove his allegation and only condemn him if he is unable to do so?

  • Justin 8 years ago

    Kennedy Agyepong shouldn't apologise. He should hold his ground till the election date and beyond. That way, it will give advantage to the NDC to tell the electorate how primitively savage the NPP and Akufo Addo are the like ...
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  • NOBODY 8 years ago

    You shoot down the Bishops' suggestion of an apology from your fellow elephant-riding NPP serial liar Agyapong, but you're quick to demand an apology from President Mahama for your cooked deception of an alleged "bribery". Yo ...
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