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Francis kwarteng is becoming sillier and sillier day by day, very soon will shall see kwarteng as the first "pig" ever to fly.
King sarkodie.... You've won already...... Noooooooo competition....... MANIFEST will be better advised to leave music for the musicians and rather enter poetry recitals because he is in the wrong industry..... His friends an ...
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And I agree with you. The guy is a poet plain and simple and he should consider leaving the music scene. You could feel he sings out of tune and do not flow as a natural musician.
But will M.anifest be good as a pure poet?
Point is how many Ghanaians read poetry? How many PEOPLE read poetry in the world?
People talk a lot about Bob Marley's lyrics and Kwarteng goes on a lot about that and the te ...
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Well said Koo.
You are one of the voices of reason on this website.
You are probably also one of the few to fully grasp what I have tried to say about M.anifest and Sarkodie in this two-part series.
Thanks for shar ...
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Ghana (and Africa) HAS to offer...
Ghana and Africa HAS (HAVE) to offer....
But where are THE Ghana's (country's)...
.... MANIFEST will be better advised to leave music for the musicians and rather enter poetry recitals because he is in the wrong industry..... His friends and family only remember him for his DEEP RAPS AND BIG ENGLISH...... ...
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"Feature Article of Saturday, 9 July 2016
Francis Kwarteng, Dr. Molefi Kete Asante"
What is that? Stolen identity?
Please kindly explain to forumers what you meant by the above appellation. Are you an impo ...
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Liver disease is any disturbance of liver function that causes illness. The liver is responsible for many critical functions within the body and should it become diseased or injured, th ...
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D-Black & Rap Dacta (Okyeame Kwame) had it correct:
The former said "Both Sarkodie and M.anifest are great MCs...., we should be closer knit as Ghanaian acts to take on the continent."
And the latter put it this way, "Inst ...
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My worry is that people are always talking Afrocentrism and yet turn to rubbish the use of own own local materials. They want one to write and speak like Shakespeare and be well groomed in English before they can consider you ...
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There is nothing like AFROCENTRICISM. The correct word is AFROCENTRICITY. And Afrocentricity does not say you cannot or should not speak Yoruba, English, Zulu, French, Hausa, Spanish, Russian and Chinese, Japanese...but only ...
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Afrocentrism = Afrocentricity
What then makes manifest's lyrics deep? is it about comet and galaxy's and milky ways etc that ordinary people do not readily relate to?
Hello Tsunami,
Afrocentricity and Afrocentrism are not the same (though both are nouns).
Go to and read more. I don't think you are familiar with the large body of scholarship on the subject.
Let me ...
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Mr. Francis give it a break, would you? Isaac Adjei-Andoh has written the best piece so far putting everything to rest. Afro this an Afro that is all nonsense to some of us. Britain just voted to leave for EU. Do you thin ...
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Judging by ur name or moniker, Prempeh, you must be Asantenin. From where did you get the information that "Nigeria is better off breaking into several countries"? Obviously an opinion, similar to anti-Ashanti saying that As ...
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Prempeh, you are right but don't forget Kwarteng is simply incorrigible. Some of us on Ghanaweb have been trying to tell him for some time now to just take a deep breather but he thinks he is the melting pot of Ghana's intell ...
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That's the problem, Yentie, you need to stop wasting ur time on the wrestling circuit and spend more time reading, and maybe you might become, if you are lucky, the Mouth of Ghana.
Fair point but don't kid yourself...I never watch wrestling: I only know of mouth of the south through reading, so there.
Just today, somebody on this site asked why some people keep changing their pen names and there is a good reason for that. The logical question to ask this particular individual is...and just how did s/he know some people kee ...
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Andoh's article is probably one of the weakest on the subject matter!
Just go back to his article and read on just one "technical" issue I raised about his article.
Some of the issues he raised were almost "chidish" t ...
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You don's know the difference between AFROCENTRICITY AND AFROCENTRISM and you keep changing your monikers on Ghana!
And, you don't have any idea that that Sarkodie has used so many Afrocentric conceps in his music videos a ...
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It shows how shallow you are! You thought there was nothing like Afrocentrism and after checking from google you came back to try to explain what the two words means. I have books from Molefe Kete Asante and do not think you ...
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Dear Tsunami,
Contact Dr. Molefi Kete Asante and tell him excatly what I have told you and come back and tell me about his response is.
This is a man most of whose 80 books and 500 articles I have read. This is is a ma ...
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Ghanaians have jaded sense of humor. We've got to learn to laugh, think, and learn to cry.
@Ruth I don't know your educational background or whether you have eaten today,you seems to be very bitter,madam chill up..okay.....I don't see why this petty squabble should give you sleep less nights