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The bloody fool francis kwarteng is back with his imbecility about the ghost Francis Ngoloma Nkrumah, beside the undisputable fact that he "cut and pasted" the whole garbage because his own I.Q. is inadequate to write on his ...
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I am pleased to announce the Fourth Biennial Kwame Nkrumah International Conference (KNIC4). From September 16-19, 2016, The KNI ...
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The plough-boy from Nkroful has excelled. Some of us will gather and have a bit of palm wine in honour of this unique and remarkable genius ever to set foot on Ghana and the African continent. Thanks ever so much.
Indeed, spread the word even if the bile boils into the blood of the detractors and poison them.
Can such a conference ever be held in the name of JB Danquah or Busia anywhere in the UK, where they schooled?
Just identify yourself with the NDC and be are not a true Nkrumahist. Records show that Trokosiland always score roughly 100% in our general elections since 1992. Can you sincerely tell us you are not one of the few ...
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Namesake and Nyebro Yao,
How are you two?
Thanks for your remarks.
You know there is none like the Great Dr. Osagyefo Kwame Nkrumah in the history of Africa. We either tale it or leave it.
Have a great week.
The stupid fool Francis Gyimii Kwarteng is not in the capacity to write his own bloody name correct.
All of a sudden the village ugly boy is called "kwartent" instead of Kwarteng.