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Medusa rears its ugly head again

Charlotte Osei BROWN EC boss has recently disqualified 13 presidential candidates

Sat, 29 Oct 2016 Source: modernghana.com

It may take a long time, but a stammerer will finally be able to pronounce “father”. Nobody is more powerful than the Creator. A warrior often dies of war, a swimmer dies of water but a parrot dies of pride. Those with conscience never take bullet from the rear, because we are always face to face with war. It is better to die honourably than to be subjected to ridicule. If one’s friend is sized by death, is that not a warning to the living? If the ape has to die of stomachache, let not the monkey rejoice because they are of the same sibling.

We need to cry today so that we may not weep tomorrow. Champions are not raised on the bed of roses nor stars made on the platter of gold. If we want the pleasures of tomorrow, we must gladly accept the pressures of today. It is better to lose our lives now in order to have assurance of peace. The price of peace is war.

Big Oga Madam, the Nero of our time, Charlotte Osei has done it again. And it is not anything that she should be “awarded” for common sense. No, far from it! It is the most stupid thing that has been done since the creation of the entity called Ghana. I have to call a spade a spade and damn the consequences. There is no other word or expression I can use to describe her action apart from describing it as senseless, disgusting, despicable, unethical, unthinkable, ungodly, unpatriotic, disgusting, anarchic and nihilistic.

The discordant tunes emanating from the stables of Charlotte Osei could be anything but bizarre whose ultimate destination is Golgotha and Armageddon. This Charlotte Osei, this Big Oga Madam, has since her appointment, not been able to get all her aces right. Instead of calling her to sit up, people have been showering praises of praises upon her. Now she has. She is gradually becoming a hydra with the head of a Medusa. It is now time for Ghanaians to stand up and be counted as men of integrity.

First, she came out to tell Ghanaians that the number of suspected multiple registered voters in the country was about 150,000. Then came her bombshell. Out of this number Ashanti Region alone has over 200,000. Haba! Charlotte Osei, have you transmuted into Alice in Wonderland? How possible? Have you just returned from the Island of Super Carli Fragilistic Expi Alodocious, where food flows freely to you even when you are not hungry? Are you so deficient in Arithmetic that you cannot add two or more figures together or subtract one from the other? If you have exhibited such mediocre performance in Arithmetic, what will happen if you are confronted with Algebra of Geometry? “Asem beba dabi”.

It took a strong challenge from Freddie Blay, Acting Chairman of the NPP before Charlotte Osei admitted he had made a mistake.. But that was not all. Something more damning will have to occur to make Charlotte Osei earn the accolade, “Ghana’s Chemical Ali”, and she has lived up to that name. Then came the mother of all mistakes. The total of all the figures she awarded to each of the Ten Regions was a little more than 69,000. Yet Mrs. Charlotte Osei said the total was more than 200,000. I asked this question in one of my write ups. If in spite of all the electronic gadgets and the personnel at her disposal, she could make such a gargantuan mistake, the country was headed towards Armageddon .As simple as ABC.

Next, I asked what would happen if in the cause of declaration of the Presidential Result, she announced the loser as the winner. I did not get any answers to the posers I raised in that write up. And then, she has done what she is good at again. And that is the reason why I am extremely angry. You see, Ghanaians have to be proactive and now allow evil to occur before we say, “Had I known?

I say, and will continue to shout for the umpteenth time that Mrs. Charlotte Osei is a dangerous specie of a human being and her continuous stay at the helm of Ghana’s Electoral Commission is detrimental to our corporate existence as Ghanaians. Do not say, I did not warn you ooo. I cannot fathom what had gone on in her head as she did the unthinkable and took the absurd decision to disqualify the 13 Presidential hopefuls? Did she think of the interest of the country first? Has she reflected for even a moment the implications of her action on the country?

Does Charlotte Osei want her name to be written in gold by supervising an election which would be regarded by all aspiring candidates as being free and fair, devoid of any under current tactics? Does she expect Ghanaians to remember her as a pupil who goes to school to answer ‘Present, Sir’ and then is heard no more?

Let her tenure at the EC be without acrimony. Let her not be remembered as the Medusa. Let her be remembered as the Peacock, This is my wish for her. The Past cannot be changed, but we must work through the Present in order to mould the Future.

Columnist: modernghana.com