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They're going to regret! Thieves
Äs you think so you are" NPP always thinks of vote rigging and corruption .Stealing and murder is their lot .Hopeless NPP I weep for mother Ghana under NPP Soon the lies will flood the airwaves trying ...
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In the just ended general elections, NDC relied on rigging the elections as they have been doing since 1992, and was blind of any sing showing clearly that they were going to lose. My advice to the electoral thieves is that, ...
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The truth be told. If the elections are conducted fairly, NDC will never win. Voters from the non-Akan regions are no match to the Akan regions in terms of population. NDC always has to rig elections in order to have a chance ...
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The NDC wanted to take advantage of the bloated register to cheat by bringing in foreigners to vote. However the vigilance of the NPP was enough to thwart their dubious effort. Additionally it is not the turn out that was low ...
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I couldn't agree more with you. The register is a sham and must be tossed into the bin without delay.
Those who claim voter apathy for a turnout lower than 2012 are just dancing with lazy brains. Let's first admit the Voters Register is bloated. The certified number of eligible voters is incorrect by a wide margin. For me the ...
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You're perfectly right for Volta region had about 46% ghost names and these ghosts were barred to enter Ghana from Togo.
That may explain the low numbers.
NDC banning its own members from coming to vote..Surely you are typical NPP , brain dead
Stop the needless insults. You lots will stay in opposition for a long while if you keep behaving like mad dogs.
Well done NPP for your Electoral Vizgilance. You have saved Ghana.
Good Riddance Mahama and his Greedy Bastards
NDC cannot govern.
Excellent Piece! Intellectually very savvy.
With a total population of 27 million, and a population growth rate of 3%, Ghana's youthful population must be more than that of adults. Hence the correct youthful population is about 15 million and the adult (voter) populati ...
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I have my doubts over the register.
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Wondering how ...
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Onaapo we are in a comfortable lead. Hahaaaa Ndc has bloated the register so they they could take advantage of. I doubt if they have ever won a clean election in Ghana. I entreat them to sit back and witness what good governa ...
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Mr ex president don't get things twisted,Ghana voted for NPP,you always have vigilant and wild people to represent you at all polling a time and a call for change.
Implement your list of Promises and stop such stupidity of engagement