Akufo-Addo, president elect of Ghana
By: Prof Lungu
Coming Soon to these Same Pages:
However you slice and dice it, on numerous occasions and through various media, you can bet your bottom cedi we did our best to forewarn Fallen Mr. Mahama and his vice President, Kwesi Bekoe Amissah Arthur. We warned them that breaking rules of nepotism and cutting corrupt deals with their kith and kin and foreign corporations is no appropriate or defensible way to govern Kwame Nkrumah's Ghana.
Nor, is lack of attention to a whole set of policy matters, 18, by our latest reckon!
To the point, among areas of policy Fallen Mahama and his NDC party screwed up and for which Serious Akufo-Addo and his new administration must focus like a laser beam and repair, these 18 agenda items have actual, immediate, and symbolic significance, if the NPP government under Nana Akufo-Addo Dankwa wants the People to take them at their own word(s) and $1 million per constituency per year promises:
(1) Ensure that from Day One, the Adansi-Asokwa MP Kobina Tahir "Hybrid" Hammond speaks only for himself and the people in that constituency who returned him to parliament
(2) Tear down the warts-infested Rawlingsian Constitution and rebuild the Constitution utilizing work product(s) already funded and paid for by Ghanaians as tax payers, in the name of the People of Ghana themselves who are the Sovereign.
(3) Pass the "Freedom of Information (FOI) bill, with an Independent Commissioner; promote transparency in government, understanding that "Right to Information" (RTI) is for very weak people and tyrants like Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe).
(4) Immediately publish a list of all transportation projects and their state of completion, including those for airport and railway infrastructure development; prioritize them transparently according to their importance to Ghana's national development, and complete them accordingly. (But by all means, swiftly complete the Accra-Kumasi highway project and investigate use of funds, reasons for all the untoward delay, and consequences)
(5) Immediately sack newly-appointed NDC Commissioner for CHRAJ, and/or swiftly contest appointment in Supreme Court with the best legal brains Ghana has, if necessary
(6) Immediately abrogate Act 619, that fraudulent and predatory 419 oil exploration and production contract scheme on Ghana; review all contracts on petroleum and gas exploration/production; ensure Ghana receives no less than 50% of all oil revenues consistent with global standard Production Sharing Agreement (PSA), the US GAO recommended contract system for sovereign oil
(7) Implement a super-effective alternative and sustainable power generation program for residential and institutional uses to allow adequate reserve power for industry and export, potentially
(8) Promote science education and culture, Singapore-style, where teachers, instructors, and administrators are evaluated based on their understanding of science and nature and their importance in the actual lives of Ghanaians in all cities, towns, and villages.
(9) Identify tourism development and infrastructure, including sanitation, as high priority and integrate "Brand Ghana" under that auspices; ensure Diaspora become crucial voices for Ghana all over the world under the program(s).
(10) Mandate Ghana Police Service, the National Road Safety Commission (NRSC), and the Transportation minister to provide within 3 months a credible plan on traffic safety administration that measurably reduces the carnage, maiming, and destruction of life and property on roads in Ghana, year-by-year, data-point by data-point
(11) Improve public management and civil service professionalism, including presidential staff, and ensure all have adequate training with respect to law and ethical requirements, including non-partisanship while on duty.
(12) Ensure improved health administration and control/management of diseases, including cholera, knowing that these have huge impact on Brand-Ghana and tourism; ensure recent loose talk by irresponsible officials that AIDS is now adequately under control is nipped in the bud, until Ghana is able to cheaply produce in Ghana, a vaccine for AIDS
(13) Review drug policy and sentencing, especially with respect to cannabis, consistent with immoral history of drug policy and administration in the West (in the United States in particular), current scientific knowledge, the dignity of individuals and families, cost to government and tax payers, and current practices by responsible governments all over the world
(14) Employing lessons already learned at tax payer expense, implement an executive-directed national development planning effort that produces coherent, coordinated, comprehensive, time-limited planning products that leverage non-proprietary, common, off-the-shelf products to support development at the district-regional levels.
(15) Resource and force-multiply the capabilities of emergency management in Ghana, paying acute attention to coastal zones, areas where oil/gas is being explored/produced, impact of desertification in the northern zones
(16) Ensure technical and science education systems produce teachers and facilitators with requisite skills and interest in teaching technical skills, trades, and life-skills development for youths, with no less than 55% of resources on girls and women
(17) Implement a coordinated, secure, effective Diaspora outreach by assigning shared responsibility to Tourism and the Foreign Affairs ministries
(18) Provide a national forest resources and habitat preservation plan for job creation, economic empowerment, and as a climate adaptation strategy, from each Constituency to each Region, to the National level; tie execution of the major promises made to Ghanaians to those efforts and enable severe auditing and transparency at every level and stage; avoid waste of national resources.
Bottom-line: Absolutely, surely, it is time to stop all that Fallen-Mahama Monkey-Dey-Work, AMissah Attas-Dey-Chop business!
Again, coming soon to these same pages: Best of Prof Lungu (BoPL)!
Mark that one down!
So it goes, Ghana!
Yakoema.net. Ghana loses six persons daily through road crashes https://yakoema.net/2016/11/21/ghana-loses-six-persons-daily-road-crashes/
Visit www.GhanaHero.Com/Visions, for more information.
SUBJ: 18 Ghana-Centered Marching Orders for Serious Akufo-Addo!, essay by Prof. Lungu.
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