
The Happiest person in Ghana now isn’t Nana Akufo Addo

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  • Jakpa 8 years ago

    If their transmission system had not been hacked, the EC would have announced different results.

  • Ghanaian 8 years ago

    It was the efforts of opposition parties in I.P.A.C. and the vigilance of their members at polling stations that prevented the rigging by the E.C..

    They don't need any commendation.

    Your article says what I have always ...
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  • $martphonesSupportBiz 8 years ago

    Learn SMARTPHONE Devices Repair Techniques! Very Low Capital Business Entry costs...*BE SMART This Year* #Make Real Money; #Learn Micro BGA soldering; #Learn Repair Techniques, Metering & Troubleshooting Microelectronic devic ...
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  • JB 8 years ago

    Stop[ writing this nonsense. even NPP has won you still want to criticise EC.
    why is it that we Ghanaians dont believe in our institutions

  • nana addo 8 years ago

    Stop wasting our time with recycled stories

  • Kwobia 8 years ago

    What a load of nonsense.The EC chair emphatically stated that she could not rig the elections for anyone even if she wanted to.

  • Kwasi Ntiamoah 8 years ago

    It is only fools and uneducated who may think the EC chair can rig elections. Results are collated at the polling station across the country, and each and every party rep athe centre is given a copy of the statement of poll, ...
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  • Kweku trouble 8 years ago

    Fools abound; even among the educated who are supposed to know better.

  • Yaw Kwakye 8 years ago

    Assuming what you've said is true and concrete, then why did every presidential candidate, radio stations and the good people of Ghana knew that Nana Addo has won one touch but NDC insisted that Mahama was leading by a wide m ...
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  • kweku trouble 8 years ago

    "....but NDC insisted that Mahama was leading....". We are talking about the EC and you are talking about the NDC. Since when did the any political party become the EC? Do you understand what you read at all? Stop the tribal ...
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  • kweku trouble 8 years ago

    "then why did every presidential candidate, radio stations and the good people of Ghana knew that Nana Addo has won one touch but NDC insisted that Mahama was leading by a wide margin". We are talking about the EC and you're ...
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  • Mark 8 years ago

    So after calling the Commisioner names such as Ashawo by Kennedy and supported by Karbo and Npp president Akuffo Addo can we say akuffo addo is an ashawo president elect. Npp is full of garbage and nonesence people paradind a ...
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  • Carol 8 years ago

    Spot on. My thoughts exactly. EC must explain what caused the long wait. When it was glaringly obvious from the media houses. I want to know.

  • Jdm 8 years ago

    Senseless article. Wise up and stop these trivialities. Let's try to be objective and honest instead of the parochial agenda we tend to serve.

  • Kweku trouble 8 years ago

    Conjectures and trivialities without facts. The NPP is a truly united party in the sense that the educated and educated operate on the same level of stupidity. How can anyone think it's possible to rig the elections.

  • Kweku trouble 8 years ago

    Conjectures and trivialities without facts. The NPP is a truly united party in the sense that the educated and uneducated operate on the same level of stupidity. How can anyone think it's possible to rig the elections.

  • NYE NYE STONE 8 years ago

    "The most corrupt government in Ghana's checkered history". Waaaaaaaawu. Where you born before June 4th 1979? I'm also just going to assume you were busy finding your way to the US between the years 2000 and 2008. I'm going t ...
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  • Kafui, Accra 8 years ago

    The writer is telling the truth the EC thought she could have manipulated the elections for Mahama. There was a pressure on her certainly to do something to change the results. No one has proved anything this is what most los ...
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  • brain rejuvinater 8 years ago

    He may seems happy today but tomorrow will be his day to wallowed in pain. Especially when pressure is mounted on him to deliver.

  • Boby 8 years ago

    My friend go and take shower.

  • Boby 8 years ago

    Go and take shower and stop the calculated lies.

  • Chabba 8 years ago

    John Mahama and his kleptocrats have burdened Ghana with a debt of 248 billion Ghana Cedis in 8 years from just 20 billion Kuffor bequethed. They have looted Ghana completely. With God's help I believe Nana Addo will bring Gh ...
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  • Blowman 8 years ago


  • Naisco 8 years ago

    There is nowhere in the world that the electoral body has to wait until the elapse of the stipulated time for it to announce the winner when it's clear that a particular candidate has won by wide margin except in Ghana. What ...
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  • Joe 8 years ago

    A very stupid piece.u wrote just English,full of horrible invective.

  • Paul 8 years ago

    Rubbish story.