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Yamoah Ponkoh and co. have no credibility to warrant this media attention

YAMOAH PONKOH2 Yamoah Ponkoh

Fri, 23 Jun 2017 Source: Kwaku Amofa

My attention has been drawn to media discussions surrounding the electoral loss of the NDC and I have been left in total shock as to how the media have allowed people with no credibility to waste our airwaves with very unintelligent comments.

In the aftermath of the NDC's electoral defeat, all sane and rationale party people have called for unity and for reorganization. A sentiment that was captured as part of the recommendations by the Prof Kwesi Botchwey Committee.

However, people like Yamoah Ponkoh and Tapsoba have been all over making empty noise over our airwaves devoid of any logic. This piece is not to respond to their noise but a justification as to why they do not deserve the media space being granted them.

Yamoah Ponkoh and Tapsoba especially have been all over attacking Hon Andy Okrah, Ashanti Regional Campaign Coordinator and this is why:

Yamoah Ponkoh after failing woefully to secure the mandate of the Ejisu/Juaben MCE after two failed attempts demanded that all government appointees in the Assembly be replaced eventhough he had earlier submitted two different lists on both occasions prior to his rejections. The demand was rejected and he has since blamed Hon Andy Okrah who was then the deputy Ashanti Regional Minister. The camel's back was broken when Yamoah who lobbied to be regional campaign coordinator was snubbed and Hon Andy made the campaign coordinator. Yamoah together with Tapsoba paid a visit to the campaign coordinator and demanded 2 brand new pickups and a huge amount of money to campaign. A request Hon Andy found very unreasonable and declined. Yamoah and his partner Tapsoba swore to destroy the campaign coordinator and so their attacks come as no surprise.

The surprise is however the amount of attention the media have given to these two thieves. It will be a shock if the NPP does not prosecute these two in light of the damning thievery they perpetrated against the Nation. Tapsoba who owns a mansion at Ashalley Botwey in Accra and another in Kumasi is still walking around after forging a certificate to be employed by the National Youth Employment Agency and subsequently conspiring to loot and bring such a noble institution to its knees. This is a matter of public record. The least said about Yamoah Ponkoh, the better because this is someone who as MCE placed last in the party's parliamentary primaries in Ejisu and had the worst relationship possible with workers at the assembly and was booted out of National Health Insurance Authority after sexually harassing ladies. His shaddy deals at the Ejisu/Juaben Municipal Assembly are known to all.

At this juncture, I will entreat the media to save our eardrums the punishment of having to listen to these two discredited elements. The Attorney General can also help in this regard by putting these two on trial for their thievery and subsequently be jailed to avoid us the nauseating experience of listening to the ear polluting noise emanating from such characters.


Signed Kwaku Amofa (NDC Youth Activist, Ejisu) 0551482295

Columnist: Kwaku Amofa