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Say no to homosexuality now

Gay Marriage 1 Homosexuality is still a vexed issue in the customs and traditions of most African societies

Mon, 27 Nov 2017 Source: Edward Kyei Frimpong

I have been enjoying the discourse of the President's interview about homosexuality on various radio stations and social media platforms but one thing is clear; Ghanaians are very unpredictable!

If you ask my opinion, below is it......

First of all I may step on many toes with my opinion but that's actually the outpouring of my clear conscience and moral values.

I vehemently DO NOT and WILL NEVER embrace the idea of homosexuality because not only do I think it's barbaric, but also a big reproach to the human race.

Just as you won't see animals of the same sex mating....

Just as you wouldn't ideally eat food through your ears...

Just as God brought Adam Eve and not Steve when he needed a helpmate....

So do I think it's first class insanity for a man to have any sexual affair with his fellow man and also woman with another woman.

Also we all know the constitution of Ghana frowns at homosexuality.

Our culture and traditions frown at homosexuality.

And most importantly, God almighty frowns at homosexuality.

So there's absolutely no way I'll join the coward minority to endorse it.

It's sad that some people make the assertion that disapproving homosexuality is an abuse of human rights but fail to acknowledge the fact that homosexuality itself is an abuse on the human race.

I don't mince words when I dare say that this act is insane, abnormal, absurd and beyond stupidity.

I know there are groups and individuals here who can't openly declare their stance as gays or lesbians simply because they know it's illegal and their conscience is judging them.

God blessed everyone with conscience to know what's good or bad, what's right or wrong, what's normal or abnormal. Apart from the laws of the land being a stumbling block, some homosexuals definitely have guilty conscience and can't voice out their "crazy desire," knowing how insane they'll sound to people.

It is a known fact that the agenda behind some Christian countries who aforetime frowned at homosexuality but now accept it is MONEY.

In fact the love of money completely blinded the leaders of their moral values and they sadly legalized homosexuality.

I may not know about the western world but here's my advocacy to African leaders;

Let's stand up for what's morally right!

Our culture, tradition and even religion doesn't encourage the craze of Mary marrying Mariam and John marrying Jonathan.

Let's protect our moral values and live with purity as God expects of us.

Let's not be controlled by money to the extent of throwing away our conscience.

We as Africans are far more valuable than money!

Let's not bow to the pressure of the western world who may only offer help by accepting any demonic act as normality.

Let's not allow that to happen!

And now to Mr President of Ghana, your excellency Nana Akuffo Addo, I have watched and listened to your interview severally today, and when I compare it to that of the late President Atta Mills concerning homosexuality, yours has a lot of potholes waiting to be filled.

I mean your inability to emphatically declare your stance on this matter has caused a big big fear and worry in the majority of Ghanaians who absolutely dislike the legalization of homosexuality in Ghana.

I believe you being a stunt Christian, with your able vice who is also stunt Muslim, wouldn't in away way throw away your religious values and you'll rather sing the song of the majority of Ghanaians who still approve of the marriage of John & Mary and not John and Jonathan.

Thank You!

Columnist: Edward Kyei Frimpong