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One 'Psycho's Mission to divide our beloved country

Thu, 25 Aug 2005 Source: Mr. CNN-Mensah

When I wrote my previous article regarding the issue with Gizelle "The dark destroyer" Yajzi or "what her name is" as said in 'ebonics', I was leaning towards those who believed that she had serious evidence to back her claim that she knows the real owner of "Hotel Kufour" and also had an affair with our dear president and current father of our nation and together bred a set of twins. Even though it is no one's business to know whether she slept with the President or not, one intended to know what she had to offer; some "hootie, fruity, juicy" stories for those who feel that everybody deserves a chance to be heard. What would her story do to our country and just the mere chance of establishing who is behind the real owner of ?Hotel Kufour? or the father of her twins. INCONSISTENCY is the word. One minute, she says she did not have a relationship with the president, the next minute they have twins but she cannot show their faces as her evidence. Lack of evidence defeated the purpose of what she tried to achieve. She did not need to come to Ghana as she can do the DNA in a matter of minutes to show it to the world. Why would one tell a radio station, what time she is arriving in the country and the airline she was traveling with? She wanted to use the Ghanaian media and indeed she got what she wanted.
Her mission to go "all out" to feed us with what happened between her and President Kufour created a storm in the sense that it became a political issue. Those who are against every vision of Kufour and consider him/his government corrupt have jumped on the issue to take it to a new level and also to the bottom of it. Others who think, Gizelle "the dark destroyer" is plotting to humiliate the President for the sake of propaganda or giving the minorities a baseless platform to jump on. Hence all of a sudden "Enemies of the lies" and "Friend of the Truth", as one African American brother would say "Where in a hell did those come from". No one knew those "NGOs" until this saga came up. It means anyone can establish a non governmental organization for the sake of publicity. What were the aims/objectives of the NGOs? Are they "ligit", political, making peace or dividing our country? It is all waste of money, people's time and creating chaos for our nation. Everyone has a right to express his/her opinion and even though the organizations have a right to establish the truth of what is at stake, did it help our nation or divide our country? The CJA surfaced at the time of the petrol increase, they also had numerous "Wahalas" did it help our nation or divide our country? Even Mr Dan Lartey, GCPP leader, eventually criticized it as a waste of time. Some of us take a small issue and blow it out of proportion for the sake of a publicity stunt. Sometimes, it does not really need that much attention but those who love "sensationalism" don't mind at all to explore it.
The Gizelle issue made "Friends of the Truth" and "Enemies of Lies", a little popular because their names were mentioned many times and were in the print, online, radio and the television respectively all over the world. Some media entities which had run out of stories certainly hit a jackpot. Now "the dark destroyer" is history and will never step foot on the Ghanaian soil again as long as the NPP government is in power. The authorities will probably consider her as not credible, a threat and a ?hostile witness?, it will be impossible for her to get a visa until 2008 and thus if NDC wins the election and we have a new government. When she comes to the country to tell the story, some will consider the story not credible, old and boring. There are others who oppose the President and will accommodate her for the story. She will probably need to hire a security company to protect her because there are some lunatics in Ghana who are angry at her and will have her for lunch.
Moreover, there are some who believe that even though she made the story up, she probably had an affair with the president and some in the Presidential circle were aware of it. Why does she know so much about President Kufuor including Hon. Osafo Marfo, Kwabena Agyapong and others? Whether it occurred or not, does not have to divide our country. Recently Hon. Ken Ohene Agyapong mentioned that former President Rawlings also had an affair with a Japanese and a former Ms Ghana as reported by Searchlight; "Mr Adjapong alleged that former President Rawlings kept a Japanese lover and a former Ms Ghana who he at one time bought an air-ticket valued at 10,000 pounds sterling for".. Others also say whatever relationship occurred is the business of the First Lady, the president's wife to deal with and no one else.
My final question is; why would Ms. Gizelle "The dark destroyer" Yajzi make it her mission to disgrace our president? What did Mr. Kufour do terribly to her that made her embark upon such a project? Whether she conspired with people to do a dirty work to disgrace our president or not, for one thing; Ghanaians know that issue is over and done with. We are moving on for bigger and better things important to our beloved country.
I hope Mr. President will take this as a caution. This is a lesson to be learned and he must "put a big lock" on his pants to avoid future "hooplas" and a cause of pain to the first lady.
GIZZELLE, "The dark destroyer" and divider of our nation is now HISTORY.

Views expressed by the author(s) do not necessarily reflect those of GhanaHomePage.

When I wrote my previous article regarding the issue with Gizelle "The dark destroyer" Yajzi or "what her name is" as said in 'ebonics', I was leaning towards those who believed that she had serious evidence to back her claim that she knows the real owner of "Hotel Kufour" and also had an affair with our dear president and current father of our nation and together bred a set of twins. Even though it is no one's business to know whether she slept with the President or not, one intended to know what she had to offer; some "hootie, fruity, juicy" stories for those who feel that everybody deserves a chance to be heard. What would her story do to our country and just the mere chance of establishing who is behind the real owner of ?Hotel Kufour? or the father of her twins. INCONSISTENCY is the word. One minute, she says she did not have a relationship with the president, the next minute they have twins but she cannot show their faces as her evidence. Lack of evidence defeated the purpose of what she tried to achieve. She did not need to come to Ghana as she can do the DNA in a matter of minutes to show it to the world. Why would one tell a radio station, what time she is arriving in the country and the airline she was traveling with? She wanted to use the Ghanaian media and indeed she got what she wanted.
Her mission to go "all out" to feed us with what happened between her and President Kufour created a storm in the sense that it became a political issue. Those who are against every vision of Kufour and consider him/his government corrupt have jumped on the issue to take it to a new level and also to the bottom of it. Others who think, Gizelle "the dark destroyer" is plotting to humiliate the President for the sake of propaganda or giving the minorities a baseless platform to jump on. Hence all of a sudden "Enemies of the lies" and "Friend of the Truth", as one African American brother would say "Where in a hell did those come from". No one knew those "NGOs" until this saga came up. It means anyone can establish a non governmental organization for the sake of publicity. What were the aims/objectives of the NGOs? Are they "ligit", political, making peace or dividing our country? It is all waste of money, people's time and creating chaos for our nation. Everyone has a right to express his/her opinion and even though the organizations have a right to establish the truth of what is at stake, did it help our nation or divide our country? The CJA surfaced at the time of the petrol increase, they also had numerous "Wahalas" did it help our nation or divide our country? Even Mr Dan Lartey, GCPP leader, eventually criticized it as a waste of time. Some of us take a small issue and blow it out of proportion for the sake of a publicity stunt. Sometimes, it does not really need that much attention but those who love "sensationalism" don't mind at all to explore it.
The Gizelle issue made "Friends of the Truth" and "Enemies of Lies", a little popular because their names were mentioned many times and were in the print, online, radio and the television respectively all over the world. Some media entities which had run out of stories certainly hit a jackpot. Now "the dark destroyer" is history and will never step foot on the Ghanaian soil again as long as the NPP government is in power. The authorities will probably consider her as not credible, a threat and a ?hostile witness?, it will be impossible for her to get a visa until 2008 and thus if NDC wins the election and we have a new government. When she comes to the country to tell the story, some will consider the story not credible, old and boring. There are others who oppose the President and will accommodate her for the story. She will probably need to hire a security company to protect her because there are some lunatics in Ghana who are angry at her and will have her for lunch.
Moreover, there are some who believe that even though she made the story up, she probably had an affair with the president and some in the Presidential circle were aware of it. Why does she know so much about President Kufuor including Hon. Osafo Marfo, Kwabena Agyapong and others? Whether it occurred or not, does not have to divide our country. Recently Hon. Ken Ohene Agyapong mentioned that former President Rawlings also had an affair with a Japanese and a former Ms Ghana as reported by Searchlight; "Mr Adjapong alleged that former President Rawlings kept a Japanese lover and a former Ms Ghana who he at one time bought an air-ticket valued at 10,000 pounds sterling for".. Others also say whatever relationship occurred is the business of the First Lady, the president's wife to deal with and no one else.
My final question is; why would Ms. Gizelle "The dark destroyer" Yajzi make it her mission to disgrace our president? What did Mr. Kufour do terribly to her that made her embark upon such a project? Whether she conspired with people to do a dirty work to disgrace our president or not, for one thing; Ghanaians know that issue is over and done with. We are moving on for bigger and better things important to our beloved country.
I hope Mr. President will take this as a caution. This is a lesson to be learned and he must "put a big lock" on his pants to avoid future "hooplas" and a cause of pain to the first lady.
GIZZELLE, "The dark destroyer" and divider of our nation is now HISTORY.

Views expressed by the author(s) do not necessarily reflect those of GhanaHomePage.

Columnist: Mr. CNN-Mensah