Most Rev. Gregory Ebo Kpiebaya
Most Rev. Gregory Ebo Kpiebaya, Emeritus Archbishop of Tamale, has urged Political Parties to ensure that the 2016 elections do not become ‘do or die affair’ but rather an opportunity to guard and sustain the democratic gains the nation had chalked since 1992.
He cautioned them against the using of foul means to win elections, saying that the winner has a responsibility to be moderate in their celebrations in order not to hurt the loser and thereby disturb the peace and stability of the country.
In an interview at his residence in Tamale, the Archbishop Emeritus recalled that the Ghana Catholic Bishops’ Conference (GCBC) had established a desk for Politicians but they had failed to attend meetings.
He advised Catholic Politicians to practice and see politics as a vocation by living their faith as light and salt of the world.
“We have Catholic Politicians in Parliament, in Political Parties; indeed everywhere in public life and they should always be guided by the Biblical quotation from Matthew 6:33 -Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all others shall be added unto you”.
Commenting on the economic situation in Ghana, he said it appeared there wasno end of sight to the downturn situation, stressing that it could not be blamed solely on Government, noting that “All of us citizens have a duty to work harder to generate wealth for the good of all.”
He noted that “Everybody wants to eat the cake but does not want to take part in baking it”, lamenting that some people and Churches also spent too much time in prayer instead of working to create the much needed wealth.
He called for vigorous fight against the twin evil of bribery and corruption that had plagued society.
The Archbishop Emeritus praised the family system in Ghana but said it lacked Catechises which was affecting the current generation leading to its breakdown.
“Indeed, there is hope for the family because Pope Francis and his predecessor, Benedict XVI, have all demonstrated keen interest in matters affecting the family.
He cited “regular Catechises, reviving the now dormant Family Counselling Bureau that once existed in Parishes and the Christian Family Movement when I was Bishop of Wa which among others fostered family prayers and thereby closer family union.”
This the Archbishop said was key to reviving the apparently dwindling family system in Ghana.”