
Archbishop urges gov't to be proactive to challenges

Archbishop George Slezer Ofori Atta

Sun, 1 Mar 2015 Source: GNA

Archbishop Dr George Slezer Ofori-Atta, Presiding Archbishop of the Council of World Bishops and the International Council for Clergy, says the government should prevent challenges rather than solving them.

He said government should be proactive to foresee problems and prevent them before they escalate to unbearable proportions.

Archbishop Ofori-Atta said President John Dramani Mahama should be “a listening leader who will not play to the tune of his team only.”

He said this at the weekend during the Council’s 32nd International Public Ministerial Ordination and Elevation in Accra.

The occasion was also used to celebrate the 12th anniversary of the consecration of the Presiding Archbishop.

Archbishop Ofori-Atta ordained bishops and apostles into the membership of the Council.

The Council of World Bishops is a new Ecclesiastical Body set up barely a year ago, consisting of apostles and bishops from all over the world.

The objectives of the council are to bring sound doctrinal teachings to the body of Christ, help correct certain anomalies amongst the clergy, incongruous with the spirit of biblical teachings and also be a prophetic voice to give directions to the society for a peaceful life.

Expressing his view on the wearing of hijab in educational institutions by Islamic students, Archbishop Ofori-Atta said as the educational authorities seek solutions to the issue they should be cautious not to jeopardize the peaceful co-existence and national cohesion.

“Religious bodies in this nation have co-existed peacefully over the years to date. We pray that that rapport shall continue to exist amongst them so that our nation shall forge ahead in development in peace and stability.”

Source: GNA