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Atweaa community to organize fund-raising on Easter Sunday

Wed, 4 Apr 2007 Source: GNA

Atweaa (Ash), April 4, GNA - The chiefs and people of Atweaa near Nsuta in the Sekyere West District are to organize a fund-raising harvest on Easter Sunday towards their electrification project. Mr Yaw Asemah, chairman of the town's unit committee, made this known to the Ghana News Agency at Atweaa on Tuesday.

He said residents are paying special levies of 10,000 cedis a woman and 20,000 cedis a man and non-residents would pay 30,000 cedis a woman and 50,000 cedis a man.

Mr Asemah said the project, estimated at over 80 million cedis, started about five years ago and is at an advanced stage. He said 100 high and low-tension poles had been erected and that the government had provided a transformer.

Mr Asemah commended the Sekyere West District Assembly and Mr Benjamin Asonaba Dapaah, member of Council of State for their immense contributions towards the project. 04 April 07

Source: GNA