
Avoid pornography and three other traps of the Devil

Sun, 3 Jun 2012 Source: GNA

A Symposium at a two-day Circuit Assembly of Jehovah’s Witnesses on Saturday advised Christians to shun four major snares that could entrap them to defame God’s Holy name.

They include misuse of social networking, pornography, harmful gossip and bad associations.

Speaking at the Symposium which was held in Gbawe, a suburb of Accra, Mr Samuel Gaskin, a Christian Elder with the Mamprobi Central Congregation, described pornographic materials as a “mould” and an immoral trap of the Devil that could snuff out the spirituality of an addict as well as destroy his or her moral, physical, emotional and social well-being.

Quoting from Colossians 3:5, he underscored the fact that pornography whets improper desire in individuals that led them to covet something that did not belong to them.

Mr. Gaskin said Christians needed to resist the temptation of looking lustfully at a man or woman by making a covenant not to view websites that feature pornography and desist from looking at newspapers that feature graphic images of nudity.

Mr. Tabeel Nimo-Boateng, an Elder from the Dansoman Central Congregation, stressed that humans were susceptible to influence from their peers, environment, television programmes as well as movies and the literature they read.

He cited biblical examples to show how some had made unwise decisions and choices due to bad association.

Mr. Nimo-Boateng called on the delegates to be prayerful and selective with regards to those they chose as friends.

Mr. Emmanuel Amankwanor, an Elder from the Mamprobi Central Congregation, said though the internet access as well as social networks were of immense value, a Christian needed to be wary of the dangers their improper usage posed.

He cautioned parents to supervise and monitor their children on the use of the internet and other social networks to protect them against sexual predators who feign friendship to their family.

Mr. Stephen McIntyre, the Circuit 53A Overseer of the Witnesses, called on Christians to sanctify Jehovah by leading clean lives and through active participation in the Christian ministry.

He stressed that the Devil had maligned God’s name adding that the Witnesses needed to preach with earnestness and urgency to sanctify God’s name like they would “if someone had spread false information about their parents or any family member they love.”

Mr. McIntyre said the purpose of the bible was to sanctify God’s name and to vindicate God’s sovereignty.

The ongoing Assembly which is based on Matthew 6:9 is with the theme: “Let God’s Name Be Sanctified.”**

Source: GNA