
Be mindful of what you say about your country - Archbishop Duncan Williams tells citizens

Duncan Williams   GEG Archbishop Nicholas Duncan Williams is the founder of Action Chapel International

Sun, 21 Feb 2021 Source: GNA

Archbishop Nicholas Duncan Williams, Founder Action Chapel International has urged Ghanaians to be mindful about their utterances as it has the tendency to destroy.

According to him, words are powerful, and as such Ghanaians must endeavour to speak positively especially during these challenging times where the world is battling with a pandemic.

Speaking under the theme “Your Words Matter" at the Prayer Cathedral on Sunday, he said:

"We live in a time where the enemy is throwing many things at us as a nation and a people for us to lose ourselves because we are different".

He added, “We should not allow situations to push us to speak ill of our leaders, nation, churches, and institutions because such negative words had detrimental circumstances on nation-building. What you say determines your environment."

Source: GNA