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‘Be spiritually sensitive, prayerful’

Rev Roy Asiamah Rev. Roy Asiamah (left) being inducted by Rev. Michael G. Anim-Tettey

Tue, 1 Mar 2016 Source: Daily Guide

An appeal has been made to ministers of the gospel to be spiritually sensitive and prayerful in their deliberations.

Rev. Michael G. Anim–Tetey, District Minister of the Emmanuel Presbyterian Church (PCG), Madina, said this when inducting Rev. Roy Asiamah as the new minister in-charge of PCG Faith Congregation, Madina Estate, Accra.

Rev. Anim-Tetey reminded the ministers that they are the chosen vessels sent by God to transform lives and redeem the lost.

According to him, to be a minister of the gospel “means to be God-fearing, prayerful, pious, obedient, faithful, alert and bold. You must put on the whole armour of God to be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. You must be available any moment you are needed.”

He urged ministers to promote God and His son Jesus Christ and not themselves.

“Know that you are servants and not masters. Feed the congregants with the word of God and teach them the essence of love, faithfulness, obedience and humility. Find time to study the Bible and ask God for understanding and knowledge. If you ask your congregants to do all these, no fake prophet can snatch any of your flock. Bear in mind that the might of a minister lies in his ability to pray and fast,” he underscored.

Rev. Anim-Tetey advised Christians to stay focused and stop visiting latter-day prophets who do not teach salvation but prosperity.

He urged the new minister to love everybody and hate nobody.

“Don’t listen to one-sided complaint. Listen to all – rich and poor –and don’t succumb to the powers of the wealthy. Never allow the rich to influence you when they go wrong and be bold to correct those who disobey the laws of the Church.”

. He asked the new minister, his wife and children to involve themselves in all the activities of the Church so that they would become a beacon of light to the congregation.

He also urged the congregants to live harmoniously with the minister and avoid rumour mongering and gossips.

In his address, Rev. Roy Asiamah said he was thankful to God for calling him and promised to serve Him faithfully.

He stated that through all the changing scenes of his life, in trouble and in joy, the Almighty God had not abandoned him and called on Christians to continue to lean on Him (God).

Rev. Asiamah was born on October 3, 1950.

He holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree (BA) Theology and Administration from the Christian Service University and Master of Arts Degree (MA) in Ministry from the Trinity Theological Seminary, Legon, Accra.

He is married to Mrs. Dorothy Asiamah, a teacher, and they are blessed with five children.

Source: Daily Guide