The items which include bags of rice, oil, mackerel, and tomato paste
Management of the Christ Apostolic Church International, Sowutoum Circuit has donated food items worth GH¢15,000 and an amount of GH¢5000 to its needy and vulnerable members.
The items which include bags of rice, oil, mackerel, and tomato paste were donated to orphans, widows, the aged and single mothers in the church.
The cash donation which kick-started on April 1st to 7th is expected to continue in the coming weeks.
Rev. Robert Peasah, Head Pastor of the Sowtuom Circuit, speaking at the donation said the purpose of the gesture from the church was to mitigate the effects of the hardships on members due to the COVID-19 crisis.
“The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me, Matt 25:40," he reiterated.
He urged the public to abide by the health protocols to stop the spread of the deadly COVID-19.
The beneficiaries were full of joy and appreciation to the church for the timely intervention since they were contemplating how they were going to cope with the lockdown situation.