
Christians must derive the full benefits of Christ's resurrection - Rev. Osei-Bonsu

Reverend Kwadwo Osei Bonsu Reverend Kwadwo Osei-Bonsu

Sun, 21 Apr 2019 Source:

Congregants of the Redemption Congregation of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana (PCG) in Tema Community Nine, on Sunday, joined other Christians to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

The church members, mostly clad in white in a jubilant mood, sung songs of praise and worship as well as engaged in prayer to ask for the forgiveness of their sins.

Reverend Kwadwo Osei-Bonsu, Minister-in-charge of the PCG, Redemption Congregation, in a sermon on the power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, urged Christians to derive the full benefits of the resurrection of Christ from the dead.

Rev. Osei-Bonus, quoting Philippians 3:10, 1 Corintians 15:12-20 and other scriptures, took members through over ten benefits of Christ's resurrection three days after his crucifixion and burial.

He said resurrection meant rising from the dead, hence the continuation of Christ in the present and the manifested presence of Christ in Christians.

He indicated that "anytime we deny the resurrection, we are denying the living Christ" adding that if Christ did not resurrect, it would have meant that Christians were speaking lies and their faith was futile as they would still be held captive by sin.

Enumerating the benefits of Jesus Christ's resurrection, he stated, it established Jesus as the reigning king forever over all powers, demons and principalities.

The resurrection, he indicated, gave Christians access to God's throne, in addition to making them aware that he was intervening for them now and forever.

Other benefits, he mentioned, as prove that Christ had taken captivity of the captive and had given gifts to men while serving as an evidence of his promise to return.

He urged Christians not to be afraid of death as according to him, Christ through his resurrection, gave life to their mortal bodies and made death a brief moment of separation.
