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Did the Almighty God created Gays intend to be chastised by man for fun?

Thu, 23 Feb 2012 Source: Emmanuel Nyame Asem

Everything which the Almighty has done is not in vein. Man, like in the past, gave priority to the lesser gods and later facilitated amendment by logical questioning, a tool for better nature. Why did Jesus came to modify the Old Testament or is God not perfect?

Why are some prophesies in the bible like the end days numbers 2000, 11,11,11,...., ,...., 128000,” by some God fearing Men not transpire less the gay allegations . Aren’t you aware of the fact that it was first written in the bible that the earth was the centre of the universe in the era of Ptolemy, Copernicus, and Galileo and later detached upon approval from scientists.

I want you to conduct this experiment by starting a criticism on gays and see how you flourishs in your business or blessings. Condemning Gay is like telling God he is incompetent in His creation. This article is dedicated to Gays whom I had a dream for as being hurt, falsely betrayed and rejected by mainline denominations, supposedly in the name of Jesus. I hope that within these pages you will find that God has never condemned you for being who you are, and that his love for you have never changed. I hope you will come to understand that He has never directed those hateful efforts towards any people or group. I also pray that through the moving of the Holy Spirit, you will find the divine power to forgive them as God has forgiven you, “Our Father” (Matt 6: 9-15,Matt 18:21-35)

Curse be on any one who hypocritically blame homosexuality but have sexual attraction, even 0.1% to the same sex. May it happen!!!. For ignorance my people perish. Otherwise let us stop pursuing sciences which buttress homosexuality. I say and remain that God will never ever hate Homosexuals but those who want to destroy God’s creation at trusting it to Gay. Nobody can understand the work of God, less the Bible which was written recently around 10th B.C. A stone experimented by carbon dating revealed to be 500 million years, so how did those people before the Bible lived?

As stated in the constitution, Section 104(1)(b) “ Who ever has unnatural carnal knowledge of any person of sixteen or over with his consent is guilty of misdemeanor”, Homosexuality is exempted since it has been proved by scientists to be normal sexual orientation and fully prepared by nature to curtail population growth and others.

Let answer these questions to justify God’s intention on us as Human beings...........................

1.Since the Almighty God created everything on earth, did He intentionally created the emotions of Homosexuality as trap, to have some people to punish for fun?

2. In case your mobile phone works bad e.g. nokia phone, do you open it up and blame the components inside?, Don’t you blame it on the manufacturer like the nokia manufacturers, who made it?. If so why then do you blame homosexuality on humans who are part of God’s creation and not God who created heaven and earth and all that is in it or the whole plan? Most people indirectly insult God of His creation and blame it on their own creation (Bible), written upon philosophy.

3. How clean do you justify both organs? What of their orientation being close that if care is not taken, ............. Or is Women anal different from Men. Deduce that scientifically.

4. Do Gays intentionally pursue their emotions in other for them to be engulfed with these messes by this anticipating vampires looking for innocent flesh by God to devour?

5. How criminal is using Homosexuality to check population, rather than abortion or disaster to kill innocent lives and sometimes mothers. Should you conduct research, you realize that when there is over population, God uses disaster to control it that is why in His own wisdom chose our era where overpopulation exists to allow for the endorsement of Gay.

6. If Gays are allowed, doesn’t it promote unity and less conflicts, since the affection between the opposite and same sexes would be utilized.

Let’s leave it for those who were created for the purpose to accomplish God’s aim of creation.

By Emmanuel Nyame Asem 0205883488 Eastern Region -Ghana

Source: Emmanuel Nyame Asem