
Divine Message To Church, Government And Nation A Sequel (Part 2

Fri, 9 Nov 2012 Source: --


Rev. Prof. Enoch Immanuel A. Agbozo

In A Sequel Part 1 to the Divine Message to Church, Government and Nation, we stated that the Divine intervention that led to the fall of Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah and the CPP and the subsequent political upheavals and consequent economic and social challenges in Ghana and the continent of Africa was intended to redeem Ghana/Africa from the old order of Satanism, Idolatry and Satan-man alliance against the knowledge, reign and rule of God over His creation and the affairs of men. God was and is on a mission to reconcile, deliver, re-order, reconstruct and establish Africa on His Divine Path and Kingdom Order and Glory.

The Divine intervention was also to end oppression by spirits and men, domestic and foreign, raise the banner of PEACE, RIGHTEOUSNESS, JUSTICE and JOY, LIFE, LIBERTY, PROGRESS, PROSPERITY and HOPE in Him and the KNOWLEDGE of HIM on the continent.

Ghana was elected for the ETERNAL DIVINE PLAN of RECONCILIATION, REDEMPTION and RESTORATION of GLORY to AFRICA under heavenly ordered NEW THING of which Christ Jesus, the Beloved Son Given, Mighty God, Everlasting Father and Prince of Peace was to set up, establish and supervise the transition in spiritual and social order, governance and Divine reign and rule on behalf of the Most High God, Father of all spirits, all creation (Is. 9:6-7; 42: 1-12). Christ Jesus is also THE MIGHTY ONE to RECONCILE, DELIVER, SET FREE and HEAL AFRICA of her woes (Isaiah 19:19-22, 25).

Today, Ghana stands in a unique position as chosen, redeemed, married and star nation of God Kingdom order of Peace, Righteousness, Judgement, Justice, Joy and Glory in the Hand and Knowledge of God. Democratic governance is a side effect of the Divine redemption from oppression. What is still yet to be fully established is TRUTH, RIGHTEOUSNESS and LIBERTY and WISE STATE CRAFT and DIVINE ANOINTED LEADERSHIP of Davidic order in the land.

It is this new, redeemed, blessed and glorified Ghana that President Prof. Atta Mills and his NDC government inherited after the Kufuor administration. Kufuor’s administration was in this regard the first democratic governance of REDEEMED, HEALED and MARRIED NEW GHANA. It is not surprising it was the first to open to PEER REVIEW of GOVERNANCE in Africa. God was in control. Hallelujah! Amen.

Thus, instead of honouring God and Christ for the deliverance, redemption and restoration of Ghana under God and His Kingdom order, President Prof. Atta Mills and the NDC government decided to TURN THE CLOCK BACK and REINSTATE KWAME NKRUMAH as founder, redeemer and father of the nation with a so-called socialist BETTER GHANA AGENDA.

Unfortunately, many ministers of Christ and church leaders rallied behind him in his rebellion and rejection of the Kingdom of God and His Christ in Ghana as well as in his vague, vain and empty show of religion, love of Christ, the faith and godly rule. The apostles and prophets, archbishops, bishops and pastors, seers and dreamers around him endorsed and encouraged him in crucifying Christ afresh and the rejection of Christ’s reconciliation, redemption and establishment of Ghana under God and the Kingdom of God in Ghana/Africa. Indeed, he was engaged in creating spiritual conflict and diversion in the way forward for the redeemed country. God was not amused!!

The Church leaders in endorsing Mills’ rebellion and crucifixion of Christ might either have believed the satanic lie and deception in empty religion or were themselves ignorant of the Divine intervention and redemption of the country. The Church that cried EWURADE KASA in 2000 and 2001 has turned against God, Redeemer, King, Father of the nation with President Atta Mills and the NDC non-defined Better Ghana Agenda.

But will God forsake Himself and His own! No!! This is why the Lord has reminded the Church of Church Mission concerning THE KINGDOM of GOD and HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS on earth, to wit Ghana. The Church in Ghana needs to revisit clear understanding and appreciation of the Divine Hand on the country as well as the nature, construct and glory of the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness on earth.

Now there can be no RIGHTEOUSNESS with and/or of God and righteousness among peoples, nations and the world OUTSIDE JESUS CHRIST, Saviour, Reconciler, Redeemer and Justifier. Faith in, obedience and honour of Jesus Christ who also is the Word of God is the way, key and hope of justification and righteousness in the world. There is none other for salvation, reconciliation, redemption and righteousness of and unto God.

Further, Jesus Christ not only endowed the Church with power and authority against Satan and the gates of hell, He also gave the church the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven (Luke 10:19; Matt. 16: 16-19). Hence, the Lord Jesus Christ commanded the Church to PRAY and SEEK for THE KINGDOM of GOD and HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS on earth, (Matt. 6:9-13, 33) so Peace, Righteousness, Justice and Joy in True Worship, Trust, Hope and Blessedness of God will prevail in the nation.

There is no gainsaying in this respect that THE CHURCH in Ghana has a spiritual, national and moral duty to TEACH, DISCIPLE and EQUIP the KINGS, PRIESTS and PROPHETS, CLERGY and LAITY, SAINTS and all the CITIZENS of Ghana including corporate Ghana and civil society on the heavenly Kingdom Order and its righteousness in the nation. Indeed, Church Leaders, Ministers and Lay Leaders in particular are to be established in and as of themselves in the knowledge and requirements of the Kingdom of God and His righteousness in nations, human and world affairs so to let the HEAVENLY LIGHT shine upon Ghana and the dark world.

In this connection and according to the Lord God Jehovah, President Atta Mills could not deny that he had heard that the fall of Kwame Nkrumah was an ACT of GOD. It is apparent he was only bent as he was on the resurrection and raising of the image and stature of Kwame Nkrumah as Redeemer, Founder and Father of Ghana. In doing so, he stood in direct rejection of and opposition to God and His plans for the country.

It is here that there is need for deep, honest and true search by the Church in Ghana concerning the KINGDOM of GOD and HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS in the nation and Africa. There cannot be talk of the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness without true and honest acknowledgement, worship and honour of Jesus Christ as Reconciler and Saviour, Redeemer and Restorer of Glory, the author, spirit and Prince of Peace and Righteousness of the Kingdom of God on earth. Christ is the Spirit of Obedience and Righteousness, Reconciliation and Peace, Salvation and Redemption, Life, Liberty and Hope of Glory for all men, all peoples and all nations. THERE IS and THERE CAN BE NO JUSTIFICATION and RIGHTEOUSNESS OUTSIDE JESUS CHRIST. Christ is the Spirit and Lord of Righteousness. Righteousness is established ONLY THROUGH FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST. Christ is the mystery of godliness and wisdom from above, the RIGHTEOUSNESS and SANCTIFICATION and REDEMPTION for all men, all peoples, all nations.(1st Corinth 1: 24, 30; 2nd Cor. 5: 21)

Above all, Jesus Christ is The Way, The Truth and The Life of God. He is the Reconciler and Redeemer, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace, Governor and King of Glory in the redemption and restoration of glory to all peoples and all nations who seek, find and believe in God. Indeed, He has been crowned THE KING of GLORY in Ghana.

In conclusion, we declare that President Atta Mills had desecrated the Divine Redemption of Heavenly Peace and Kingdom Glory image and standing of Ghana as Star of Africa. He was committed to overturning the Divine standing of Jesus Christ as Reconciler, Deliverer, Redeemer, Prince of Peace, Governor and King of Glory of the New Ghana born out of the ashes of the old post-colonial Nkrumah ordered and controlled Ghana overshadowed by political dictatorship and oppression, atheistic philosophical-scientificism, ideological coercion and oppression under one-party monarchy type Republican state and idolatrous multi-deity blood sacrificing Pan-African Ghana/Africa. Many Church Leaders, Ministers and Saints abetted and supported him, THEY FAILED GOD, CHRIST and GHANA!

We will submit a final version on The Way Forward in Part 3.


November 8, 2012

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