
Does Money Answer All Things?

Mon, 7 Nov 2011 Source: Mensah, Richard Obeng

“…Money answereth all things” – Ecclesiastes 10:19 (KJV).

Intelligent persons, smart people, and wise people have one thing in common. They are able to think on their feet. In other words, they are always having ready-made solutions to problems. Simply put, they are solution-producers and problem-solvers. Aside of these people, money is commonly acknowledged as a problem-solver. We value money because it is valuable. Cedis, Dollar, Euro, Franc, Naira, Pound, Yean and so forth are banal names because they refer to money. They are legal tenders for payments of any amount. Money is everybody’s friend. It is some people’s lover, unfortunate though. We think of, talk about, and use money more than anything else. Jesus is said to have preached about money more than any other thing under the Sun. No wonder the wise King Solomon in his book of Ecclesiastes stated that money answer all things. But does money answer all things?

Money is more than a legal tender. In fact, it can be intangible. Faith is for example is the legal tender of the economy of Heaven, God’s kingdom. Faith, hope, and love solve all problems. For Mike Murdock, money is anything that solves a problem. It has been said that everything God creates is a solution to a problem. Besides, money can be a person. It is a fact that every person God created is a solution to a problem. Mike Murdock once wrote, “Successful people are simply problem-solvers. A successful attorney solves legal problems. Doctors solve physical problems. The automobile mechanic solves car problems”. Thus these people are problem-solvers. A problem-solver provides solution to problems. Jesus for instance offers forgiveness to all people who are burdened with guilt because of their sins. Therefore, money answers all things only in the sense that it offers solutions to all problems. Wisdom is the highest form of money.

Wisdom produces solutions. The four main types of wisdom are earthly wisdom (common sense), intellectual wisdom, diabolic wisdom, and divine wisdom. All human beings operate in earthly wisdom. Lawyers, doctors, engineers, journalists and so forth operate in intellectual wisdom. Wicked people operate in diabolic wisdom. God’s anointed servants and messengers operate in divine wisdom. Divine wisdom is superior to physical money. Physical money may fail or lose its value but divine wisdom is eternally valuable and priceless. Joseph for example operated in divine wisdom while money was failing in Egypt (see Genesis 47:13-26). Jesus operated in divine wisdom. It is God-given. He gives it to those who reverence Him.

Divine wisdom among others generates power to create wealth. It supplies unfailing ideas and links a person to right people. Divine wisdom also holds the keys to right learning, right knowledge, right understanding, right living, long life and prudence. It is more precious than silver, gold and rubies. All the things we desire cannot be compared to it. While all other wisdom may fail, divine wisdom provides lasting solutions to all problems. Ask Jesus for it now! He is the source of life, truth, and the only way to God. True faith, hope and love emanate from Jesus.

Richard Obeng Mensah, co-author of 37 Benefits of Reading.

Source: Mensah, Richard Obeng