Apostle Joseph Felix Kwesi Mensah
Apostle Joseph Felix Kwesi Mensah, Great Commission Church International (GCCI) Executive Council Chairman, has cautioned Christians against false prophets. He said false prophets were agents of darkness, who were out there to deceive and lead astray the flock of God.
Quoting from the Bible, Apostle Mensah said: "Do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world." He said because there were counterfeit prophets, and urged the Church to continue to test prophecies using the Bible as the central point.
He said the genuine prophetic ministry plays a major role in building the Body of Christ (the Church). Apostle Mensah gave the caution over the weekend at GCCI's 28th National Annual General Council Meeting in Accra.
The four-day meeting on the theme "Imitating Christ" is being attended by over 150 pastors together with their wives, and presiding elders of the Church. He noted that the prophet is God's mouthpiece and therefore, he must be a God-fearing person and a man of integrity.
He said a prophet, who does not fear God, had nothing to offer the Church. Apostle Mensah said the prophet of God must exhibit Christ likeness and must be led by the Holy Spirit.
He said prophets were to help build the people of God and not to scatter them. Apostle Mensah said the prophet must use his God-given ministry for the expansion of the kingdom of God, especially in propagating the good news of Jesus Christ.
He urged prophets to submit to the local authorities of their churches; stating that any prophet who was not willing to submit to Church authorities must not be allowed to operate in the Church. Apostle Mensah appealed to Church leaders to use the Bible as their yardstick in judging prophecies.