
Ghana is not a Christian country – Pastor

Pastor End Time

Tue, 4 Feb 2014 Source: The Daily Searchlight

The Principal of Southern Ghana Bible College (SGBC), Rev. Dr. Fredrick Kwesi Kyereko, has stated that Ghana is not a Christian country.

He said Ghanaians are only church goers since the average Ghanaian has no conscience of serving Jesus Christ from their heart.

“Christians are not church goers but people who obey God’s word, follow the footsteps of their savior Jesus Christ; these are the attributes of a good Christian but not the one being witnessed today, a sad event that is making Ghana unchristian nation,” he said.

Rev. Dr. Kyereko said respect for pastors is dwindling with time and may even tend to zero in the near future.

Citing an example, he said he got involved in an accident and upon admission at the hospital he told the medics that he was a teacher in order to get quick medical attention for fear that at the mention of the word pastor, he might be treated with contempt.

Touching on pastoral work today, he alluded to the fact that pastors today are not teaching about the word.

“Some pastors have resorted to preaching prosperity, fake prophecies and appear on screens and on radio just to give directions and announce their phone numbers,” he stated.

He also lamented on youthful exuberance in relation to wealth, sex, fame and lifestyles, adding the youth today are quick to jump to riches and materialism because in Ghana today, people are accorded respect based on their pay checks.

With regards to sex, he strongly chastised campaigners of lesbianism and homosexuality saying it was an act that led to the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.

“Fame is driving the youth crazy, some would defy all odds to become famous just to show off,” he said.

Rev. Dr. Kyereko said “the youth should know their purpose on earth and why God created them and this would curb a lot of the deviant behaviors they have acquired and urged politicians to seek of God, stressing that a God fearing politician would always do the right thing, avoid corruption in all forms, have sympathy for the destitute and not divert funds meant for development into his pocket.

Source: The Daily Searchlight