Pastor Aaron Tomoah, Christ Apostolic Church International (CACI), Sowutuom branch
“In the prior of emotions, as a Christian turn your frustrations into worshiping and praising God because He takes away your sorrows and troubles and fill your heart with His promises” Rev Aaron Tomoah has advised.
Using the story of the three kings of Israel, Jehoshaphat and Elisha, in 2 Kings 3:9 – 20, as an example to teach his congregation about the importance of worship, the Area Financial Secretary and circuit Head Pastor of the Sowutuom branch of the Christ Apostolic Church International (CACI), on April 24, 2016 tasked his congregants.
“As a believer, who do you look up to in times of troubles, man or God. It’s always best to speak to God about your problems, than to find solitude in men, the importance of going into worship and being in the house of God is that, in his presence there’s fullness of joy”.
“God has put his word in the mouths of men of God. Go to the house of God, in the house of God, words of encouragement, inspiration, soul upliftment and release of tension is assured”, he said.
Pastor Tomoah, preaching on the topic titled “God requires your obedience”, urged his congregation to create an enabling and conducive environment that will help them hear from God.
He added, “It takes obedience and faith for the impossibility to happen. God controls the destiny and success of men. For God is always prepared to bless those who obey him”.
He concluded by advising against bad utterances by Christians about men of God.