
Greed is bane to development - Pastor Joshua Obeng

Obeng 9 Pastor Joshua Obeng

Tue, 26 Sep 2017 Source:

Pastor Joshua Obeng, a Pastor at Calvary Charismatic Center (CCC) has advised Ghanaians to do away with the deep-seated greed that seems to pervade every facet of the social life if the country is to develop to its fullest potential.

According to him, the desire to get rich at all cost has resulted in many cutting corners and bypassing procedures to enrich themselves with resources which are not meant for them.

Speaking on the topic ‘The Seven Poisonous Sins of the Heart’ at the main auditorium of the church at Ayigya, a suburb in Kumasi, the Servant of God intimated that greed, fear, anger, inferiority complex, loneliness, and envy are things that block the grace of God from flowing into our lives.

This canker, he stressed has become a systemic problem with many in both public and private offices seeking to get rich at the expense of their employers through foul means.

‘’It is now a common thing to see people over-invoicing and stealing with their pens in both private and public offices just because they feel insecure that their salaries will not last them the full month’’, the Servant of God noted with pain.

Pastor Obeng urged the public including the church to avail themselves to God so as to be able to deal with the root cause of thievery and corruption which is greed.


PJ, as the servant of God, is fondly referred to by the congregation tasked the public to be content with what they have.

He, however, asked that the public especially Christians pray for grace to enable them to earn more to attend to their needs.

According to him, everyone applies for a job knowing the salary he or she might earn at the end of the month.

This, he noted puts an obligation on employees to work their socks out to earn the salary they are being paid and not to inflate figures or apply corrupt practices to earn more than what they deserve.

‘’We are to show to God that we are content with what he gives us by planning our lives and not to seek to steal to make it in life’’, Pastor Obeng cautioned.


God, the servant of God intimated has enough grace to enable us excel at what we set out to do in life.

According to him, God is willing and is desirous of us having the best things in life but only requires that we use what he gives us to better the lives of others. 

The Christian life, the youthful Pastor reminded the public is not something burdensome if people are determined to obey the commands of God.

Being the maker of all that pertains in the Universe, Pastor Josh noted the delight God has when his Children are doing well in life.

‘’God is happy when we do well and he is even more happy when the grace he gives us is extended to help others who may be in unfortunate circumstances’’, Pastor Obeng posited.
