Conformation 2018 comes off on Thursday, December 6 on AUCC campus
The African University Campus Christian Fellowship, AUCCF, is calling on all and sundry to join them to celebrate the faithfulness and goodness of the Lord Jesus Christ at the programme dubbed Conformation.
It is slated for this Thursday 6th December 2018 at the Forecourt of African University College of Communications in Adabraka. The program starts at 6:00 p.m. prompt.
Conformation is a programme aimed at praising the glory of the grace of God. We are what we are by the grace of God. Of His mercies, He has preserved our lives from danger and accidents. By His grace, He provided for our needs and brought us this far. Thus, Conformation is a praised-packed program to offer unto Him thanksgivings.
AUCCF reckons that the blessings that we inherit in Jesus Christ are only for one goal, that we be holy before God in love. In sending His Son to die for the sin of man, the Holy Father had predetermined that all that He will redeem with His Blood must be made conformable to His image. In Romans 8:29, it is written, “For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, so that He might be the firstborn among many brethren”.
From these words, we deduce that the ultimate will of God in sacrificing His Son for the sin of the world is the conformation of them that He redeems to His image. Thus, we profess: “The essence of the Incarnation is Conformation. The end of Redemption is Conformation; conformation of the redeemed to the image the Redeemer”.
We posit that Conformation is what Reformation missed, and it is the next major movement that the Body of Christ will experience. It will be marked by a love revival that will make Christians resolve to live by no other thing than the Word of God and to treasure the testimony of character transformation above all else. Conformers Christians shall soon be called!
The Fellowship choir, Throne-Room Worship United, shall lead the Conformers at this praised-packed program. Ministering alongside them are great young men and women of God: Minister Prince, Dominion Mandate Chapel at Kotobabi, Brother Eugene Amoah Ampadu, the Church of Pentecost, Pokuase, Brother Noel Afenya, Global Evangelical Church, and Sister Dorcas Nyarko, the Apostolic Church Ghana, Rehoboth Assembly. The wordsmith, Charles A. Boateng, ChasBoat, will be there.
Come and be blessed! Come and be saved! Come and be sanctified!