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Knights & Ladies of St. John International donate to Awutu Prison camp

St. Donation Members of St Peter and Paul Commandery #747 donates to Awutu Prison camp

Thu, 13 Oct 2016 Source: Sandra Manu

Members of the St Peter and Paul Commandery #747 and Ladies Auxiliary # 631, a branch of an international fraternal organisation based in the Catholic Church have made donations of various items worth over GHS3,000 to the inmates of the Awutu Prison Camp in the Central Region.

The donation made during a visit by members of the organisation afforded the members an opportunity to interact and pray with the inmates of the prison.

The visit was planned as part of activities organised to mark the fourth anniversary of the establishment of the branch of the organisation at the Ss Peter and Paul Catholic Church at New Aplaku, near Accra.

According to the President of the Commandery, Sir Knight Benjamin Dwummah-Adu, they took the decision to visit the prison in response to the call of the church to do corporal works of mercy in the 2016 Year of Mercy.

Quoting from St James 2:14, Sir Knight Dwummah-Adu indicated that mercy and forgiveness should find expression in works as a sign of faith.

Making reference to St Matthew 25:36, he said that as Christians, Christ admonishes us to do good to those in need, cloth the naked and visit those in prison to find favour in God.

He indicated his delight at the warm reception offered them by the authorities of the prison and the inmates and pledge the prayers and support of his Commandery and Ladies Auxiliary to the camp.

Items donated included medical supplies, detergents, large quantities of bathroom slippers and others.

Source: Sandra Manu