
Later Day Saints observe African Service Day Project

Wed, 31 Oct 2007 Source: GNA

Koforidua, Oct. 31, GNA- Nana Akwesi Adjei-Boateng, the New Juaben Municipal Chief Executive, has called on religious organizations to assist communities in ensuring sound environmental practices. He urged religious organizations to mobilize the people to support district assemblies in ensuring good sanitary practices. Nana Adjei-Boateng was speaking at a clean up exercise organized by members of the Koforidua District of the Jesus Christ of the Later Day Saints at Koforidua to mark the celebration of the African Service Project Day.

Koforidua, Oct. 31, GNA- Nana Akwesi Adjei-Boateng, the New Juaben Municipal Chief Executive, has called on religious organizations to assist communities in ensuring sound environmental practices. He urged religious organizations to mobilize the people to support district assemblies in ensuring good sanitary practices. Nana Adjei-Boateng was speaking at a clean up exercise organized by members of the Koforidua District of the Jesus Christ of the Later Day Saints at Koforidua to mark the celebration of the African Service Project Day. Church members desilted choked drains behind the Appenteng Hall, near the Koforidua Wesley Methodist Cathedral, which had been causing flooding of the area whenever it rained. Mr. Eric Osei Owusu, Koforidua District President of the Church, observed that, there was the need for individuals and organisations to ensure good environmental practices because the environment was the immediate Kingdom of God on earth. He said clean environment could help make the people healthy and reduce poverty since they might spend less on health.

Source: GNA