
Laterbiokoshie Presby holds Health Walk

Sat, 24 Mar 2007 Source: GNA

Accra, March 24, GNA-Ghanaians have been called upon to desist from taking alcoholic beverages and food which contains fat after any sporting activities.

Mrs Dorothy Fiadayor, A Senior Nurse of the Eye Clinic Department of the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital, made the call on Saturday, at the end of a 'Health Walk' in Accra.

The walk, organized by the Laterbiokoshie District of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana, formed part of activities marking the 25th Anniversary of the church. Mrs Fiadayor said the situation where sportsmen and sportswomen engage in alcoholic beverages and fat food after sports activities like golf, volleyballl, lawn tennis and hockey do not augur well for their health.

Speaking on 'Mission-effects of good exercise', Mrs Fiadayor said instead, they should increase their vegetable intake which is very nutritious.

She also advised them to take their supper as early as possible to enable them to keep healthy at all times. The Reverend Isaac Tetteh Sackey, District Minister of the church, advised the youth to desist from acts which hinder national development. Mamprobi, Mataheko and Chorkor Districts, took part, in the two-hour walk which was under the theme: 'Go and make Disciples'. 24 March 07

Source: GNA