Rev. Father Andrews Quaye-Foli - Parish priest of St. Charles Lwanga Catholic Church, Abeka.
Reverend Father (Fr.) Andrews Quaye-Foli has urged Catholics and Christians at large to be authentic representatives of their faith.
He said it is not enough for Christians to pay their church dues but also important for them to live their faith through their deeds.
The Parish priest of the St. Charles Lwanga Catholic Church, Abeka, Accra was speaking at the 4th Regional conference thanksgiving Mass of the Accra West Regional Council and Court of the noble order of the knights and Ladies of Marshall on Sunday 17th July, 2016.
Fr. Quaye-Foli referring to Luke 10:38-42, reminded the congregation that Jesus made it clear his priority is for Christians to listen to God’s word and put it into practice. He said many Christians behave like Martha who welcomed Jesus into her house but failed to understand the real need of Jesus.
He added that a Christian’s life consist of many activities which are all necessary but the duty to be an authentic Christian by building a relationship with Christ through prayer and to live a life worth emulating is always the better part .
“Many good Christians are anxious about earthly concerns. Earthy concerns are necessary. It is true you need to work to feed the family and to be involved in other preoccupations but in the course of doing that, we should not forget and exclude God in this process. That is one thing we must learn. The gospel reading is not asking us to be Mary or Martha. But a good combination of both,” he said.
The Rev. Father expressed worry over Christians offering kindness the way they deem fit and not as the beneficiaries wanted.
He cautioned the congregation to be weary of the wrong kind of kindness.
"It is good to be kind. But very often our kindness is that of our own and not the way the receiver wants it. If it happens that our kindness is not that which the receiver needs, he or she may not appreciate it. You have to be kind but let it not be the wrong kind of kindness,” he admonished.
The Accra West Regional conference of the knights and Ladies of Marshall is held every two years and presents an opportunity for members of the Noble order to deliberate on issues concerning the Order and to install new leaders among others.
The conference this year was on the theme “Mercy, the heartbeat of the gospel and the Marshallan”
Worthy Bro. Evaristus Kwame Kwatsinu becomes the Regional Grand Knight for Accra West and Respected Lady Sis. Doris Ama Bramson takes over as Regional Noble Lady for the Accra West Region for the next two years.
Addressing members of the Order, WB Evaristus said his tenure of office will focus on deepening the spirituality of members, improving upon the welfare/social interventions established within the Order for members, charity works and continuing the growth Agenda.
The Noble Order of the Knights and Ladies of Marshall is a Catholic friendly society that provides members a platform to defend, promote and live the Catholic faith and exemplify loyalty to the Church guided by the spirit of charity and service to humanity.