
Methodist Minister urges Christians to avoid sinful acts

Wed, 26 Dec 2007 Source: GNA

Sunyani, Dec. 26, GNA - The Very Reverend Samuel Adu-Boateng, Superintendent Minister of the Methodist Church in Sunyani has urged Christians to avoid indulging in practices that do not appreciate the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ, God's most precious gift to mankind. He stressed that Jesus Christ came with the goodness of salvation and peace but expressed regret that many Christians still wallowed in practices that did not portray their acceptance that He brought hope to the world.

Preaching at the Wesley Cathedral in Sunyani on Christmas Day on the theme: "Our Saviour Has Come", Rev Adu-Boateng noted that Jesus Christ came to set man free from the bondage of sin, "but we still lack the power to avoid sinful acts".

"We all know what sin is but cannot stop committing it. We lack the power to say no to sin. Jesus came to save us from the bondage of sin and the penalty of sin but our behaviours and attitudes do not show that we accept Christmas as a special gift from God". "We need to believe in Him and appreciate what God has done for us by leading lives worthy of emulation in our communities and wherever we find ourselves", he said.

He noted with regret that some Christians were still bound by the forces of sin as seen in their flirting from one prayer camp to the other for relief from problems, which they themselves created as they indulged in sinful acts.

Rev Adu-Boateng emphasized that this attitude of man had led to the lack of peace in homes, marriages and communities "because Jesus is not there".

"Now is the time for man to change, since Our Lord Jesus Christ came with the good news of salvation and peace but the decision to accept or reject Him is ours", the Superintendent Minister added.

Source: GNA