
Mount Ararat Chapel gets circuit status

Church Inauguration File photo

Wed, 1 Feb 2017 Source: Ghanaian Times

The Mount Ararat Chapel at Bubuashie in Accra was inaugurated and elevated to a circuit status by the Methodist Church, on Saturday.

The ceremony brought together leaders of the church including the Presiding Bishop of the Methodist Church, Bishop of the Accra Diocese, Superintendent Ministers, Traditional leaders and clergy from other Christian faiths.

It was held under the theme: “Come Holy Spirit, Empower your church”. In his remarks, the Presiding Bishop of the Methodist Church, Most Reverend Titus Awotwi Pratt, commended the leadership of the church for achieving the status and urged all members to work hard to develop themselves spiritually.

“I salute all the silent and background workers who have upheld the flame and demonstrated the Wesleyan ethos through their zeal for God’s work,” he said.

In his sermon, Right Reverend Stephen Bosomtwe Ayensu, the Superintendent Minister of Bethel Congregation, Dzorwulu Circuit, told members of the church to be disciplined in the way they worship especially in the areas of dressing, talking and dancing.

He added that, as a new circuit, the leaders should make mistakes in running the church, saying “you should seek the views of other established circuits since there are many experiences to learn from” Reverend Ayensu encouraged them to initiate policies that would ensure both the physical and spiritual growth of the members.

He advised the members not to get offended when they are rebuked by the leaders for their mistakes, adding that the corrections are meant to make them better Christians.

Speaking on the history of the church, Mr. Enoch Armah, Chairman of the Planning committee said the elevation of the church to a circuit status started when some leaders agreed to send a request to the Accra Diocese for consideration.

He noted that a committee which was set up and tasked to achieve the set goal followed the necessary procedures before the headquarters approved it.

Some of the activities which were undertaken before the celebration included leadership seminar, prayer night, jama night, classical and drama night and a clean-up exercise.

Source: Ghanaian Times