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Of Scientists, Unbelivers And Infidels Part 2

Sun, 8 Aug 2010 Source: Obourba Asante Taado



My dear friend KWAKU BA is at it again. This time quoting statements of renowned scientists/philosophers. Kwaku frequently in his essays asks for evidence/prove of the existence of GOD.

During HIS three and a half year Ministry on earth, CHRIST used things that were familiar to his listeners to explain the Kingdom of Heaven, so we shall use the same methods to explain the existence of GOD and HIS hand in creation.


A scientist reported that a manx shearwater, a sea bird was taken by airplane from its home on the West Coast of England to Boston(U.S.A.).In less than twelve days the bird was in its nest in England. It had flown 3,067 miles, crossed the Atlantic Ocean and averaged 255 miles per day.

E.F.G. SAUER a German Ornithologist experimented with a variety of warblers which migrate individually, not in flocks. The young warblers hatch in Europe, and without any birds to lead them, they migrate to their destination in Africa to which they had never travelled. Sauer proved that these warblers navigate by the STARS.

Evolutionists claim that all forms of life evolved by chance during millions of years. But chance cannot explain:

1) The marvelous design of birds.

2) How birds are able to migrate.

How could birds, by chance, learn to use the STARS to calculate their position on earth and the exact direction of a destination to which they have never travelled?. Men who navigate must first study mathematics, geometry, geography, astronomy and navigation, then use tools such as a chart, map, compass, sextant or electronic instruments. Even if a bird learned to navigate, how could that bird pass such knowledge to the next generation. Birds and their abilities are convincing evidence of a wise and powerful CREATOR (ROMANS 1:20).

In GENESIS 1:21 we read: “So God created great sea creatures and every living thing that moves, with which the waters abounded, according to their kind, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.

To God be the glory.

In my next post we will consider archaeological records on sites mentioned in the Book of Genesis.

By: Obourba Asante Taado.

Source: Obourba Asante Taado