
Pastor predicts positive turn around for Ghana

Wed, 28 Mar 2007 Source: GNA

Dormaa Ahenkro (B/A), March 27, GNA - The Reverend Paul Amoh Kyeremeh, Dormaa District Pastor of the Seventh Day Adventist Church, has said the country could turn her fortunes around with hard work and sacrifice by all Ghanaians.

Preaching on "The master keys to success" at a special church service to thank God for a successful celebration of the country's Independence Golden Jubilee, Rev. Kyeremeh appealed to Ghanaians to abandon their lukewarm attitude to work in general and to the protection of government property in particular.

He reiterated the need for effective church/State collaboration but cautioned that such collaboration must not be limited to the top hierarchy of institutions.

"This collaboration should be spread out to ensure the total involvement of all Ghanaians, irrespective of creed, financial status or political affiliation", Rev Kyeremeh said.

He said the SDA Church was ready to assist the youth to acquire employable skills by introducing them to alternative livelihood programmes including fish farming, bee keeping and cash crop cultivation.

He advised the youth to abandon the desire to travel abroad to seek greener pastures and to take advantage of the Government's youth employment programme.

Rev Kyeremeh appealed to traditional authorities to consider modifying obsolete customs that tended to drive some of the youth to the urban centres in search of non-existing jobs.

He paid a glowing tribute to the Big Six and all other Ghanaians, deceased and alive, who contributed in diverse ways towards the country's attainment of independence 50 years ago.

Source: GNA