
Pastors urged to prepare Christians for the rupture

Mon, 16 Nov 2015 Source: GNA

Apostle J. F. K. Mensah, the Co-Reactor, CDM Bible College has urged pastors to adequately prepare the flocks they lead for the second coming of Jesus Christ, which is the rupture.

He cautioned Christians that the time and date for the rupture have being concealed by God from all men and angels; citing from the bible that “for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night”.

“While people are saying, ‘peace and safety,’ destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.”

Apostle made the appeal over the weekend at Ayi-Mensah near Accra at the CDM Bible College’s Annual Pastoral Conference on the theme: “Who Cares.”

He explained that in line with bible prophecy on the day of the rupture, three things would happen in the air – the Lord Jesus coming down from heaven, the voice of the archangel and the sound of the trumpet.

He observed that other three things would take place on earth – the dead in Christ would first arise, Christians in good standing with the Lord who are alive would be changed and then they would disappear into the air to meet Jesus and would be with him forever.

He said the next big agenda on God’s time table is the rupture; stating that “God created the world and man fell, then He Sent Jesus, He was crucified Christ, He died, rose up, went to heaven and the Holy Spirit came. From that time He has being gathering the body of Christ.”

“One thing the rupture is sure about is that; it is coming like a thief. Nobody is going to have the time to prepare. The bishop doesn’t know it and the pastor doesn’t know it,” he added.

On the standards set by God for the rupture, Apostle Mensah said Christ is coming for his bride, which is the Church without any wrinkle or blemish.

He said Christ chose the Church before the foundation of the world was laid, so that it would be holy and blameless, stating that “therefore if you don’t meet the standard, He (Jesus Christ) is not going to listen to you”.

Apostle Mensah, who is also the Chairman of the Apostolic Council of the Great Commission Church International, noted that it had been appointed unto men to die once and after that to face judgment.

He added that Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many people; and he would appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him.

He advised all Christians to strive harder to make it into God’s kingdom; adding that “live a life that is worthy of Christ likeness”.

He told the pastors that they have being called to prepare for Christ a bride (the Church) which is holy and blameless; declaring that no thief, liar or homosexual would enter the kingdom of God.

Apostle Mensah said of the five-fold ministry given to the Church by Christ - apostles, prophets, teachers, evangelists and pastors; the pastoral ministry would receive the severest judgement because they take care of the body of Christ.

He urged them to do self-examination, be totally committed to Christlike disciple making and to use the scripture to prepare the body of Christ for His second coming.

Professor George Klu, the Board Chairman, Ghana Standards Authority, speaking on the topic "Ministering Without the Clerical", urged Christian workers to do their best to combine their circular work and the work of God.

Mrs Georgian Mensah, the Co-Rector, CDM Bible College advised pastors to value the souls God had placed in their care and to give them godly counsel at all times.

Mrs Elizabeth Klu, a retired educationist, urged Church members to honour and respect their pastors always.

Source: GNA